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Dreamcast 92: Clawing Back?

In by Rice Cube59 Comments

RC is back in Chicago, and took some time in between building lots of furniture to talk with AC about the Cubs… You can check out the podcast page or just click on the embedded players below. You can also use the sidebar to get to our Apple Podcast pages and leave a nice review and rating if it pleases …

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Cubs 5, Cardinals 1

In Postgame by berselius53 Comments

OSS: The newly resurgent Cubs win their fifth in a row. Three up: Three down: Next up: Doubleheader tomorrow, Hayden Wesneski and TBD (Assad?) in some order face Lance Lynn and Kyle Gibson, also in some order, at 1:15 and 7:15 PM CT.

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All-Star Shota

In News And Rumors by Rice Cube89 Comments

As we get settled in our new apartment back in our former neighborhood in Chicago, I note that the Cubs finally won a series for the first time in forever, and right before a much-needed off day too. There is probably some kind of irony in the fact that I can no longer piggyback off berselius’ MLB dot TV for …

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Freedom From…Winning?

In Facepalm by Rice Cube47 Comments

On this day, which is supposed to celebrate the Declaration of Independence and American freedom and all that good stuff, I ponder the occasion as a metaphor with multiple layers. On one layer we have the actual nation that is the United States, teetering on the brink of the unmentionables and which we should probably leave for another blog and/or …

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Dreamcast 91: Incomplete Game

In by Rice Cube205 Comments

Well folks, we did it, the Cubs finally won another series. Maybe they’ll go on and win another, who knows? We talk about the inconsistent performances, signs of hope, Counsell magic, and more. Plus a tribute to Willie Mays. RC is moving back to Chicago so literally just recorded this and threw it up on the podcast server with minimal …

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The Quest For a Competent Bullpen

In Facepalm by Rice Cube78 Comments

I figured since the last post about the offense got us some runs, maybe I’ll reverse-curse the team and help their bullpen stop sucking too? Generally I think there are way too many uncompetitive pitches, getting them behind in the count, and then they have to go back into the zone where they almost invariably hang one in the happy …

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The Quest to Score More Than One Run

In Facepalm by Rice Cube64 Comments

I got nothing here, just needed a new thread probably. By all rights this team should be capable of scoring better, but everyone is playing like crap so that even if they do get baserunners, none of them are coming home. Anyway, I’m sure we’ll address this when we pod or whatever, and perhaps they’ll score some run(s) against the …

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Vote for Your Not-Even-First-Half All-Stars!

In Facepalm by Rice Cube207 Comments

I’m not entirely sure which Cubs actually deserve it given their prolonged slumps, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see a couple picked in reserve and none actually starting from the position player corps, but you can start voting for All-Stars at this time. As in previous years, MLB is letting online voters stuff the ballot box with five votes …

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Dreamcast 90: This is Fine

In by Rice Cube82 Comments

RC & AC have passionate discussions about those wacky infield fly rules with interference baked in, along with some Cubs stuff you probably already are steamed about regarding the poor performances and what lies ahead. RC is moving back to Chicago soon but there might be one more episode on the off day right before the big road trip back …