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The Return of Bote

In News And Rumors by Rice Cube24 Comments

Rejoice, ye peasants, the lords on high have heeded your cries. In short: It appears David Bote shall return to the Cubs, replacing Nick Madrigal. Bote has been playing all over the place on the infield, including shortstop, and has more power potential than our short king. Meanwhile, Madrigal will get what I presume would be more regular playing time …

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Moving On From Disappointment

In Facepalm by Rice Cube176 Comments

There’s no sugarcoating it, this has been a very horrible stretch for the Cubs and they probably need to have a team meeting or some kind of surprise call-up or trade or signing to spark…something. I’ve generally mellowed out after the Cubs did the thing back then that some people forgot, but it’s a lot more fun to follow a …

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Dreamcast 89: Therapy Session

In by Rice Cube91 Comments

The jabronis get together after a fairly frustrating and not-fun stretch of Cubs futility to talk ourselves off the ledge as there is plenty of season left and the Cubs are still miraculously maintaining a winning record. We admire Shota Imanaga from afar, talk about the M-guys, and consider the options moving forward. You can check out the podcast page or just …

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Walk Off a Hero (By the Seat of One’s Pants)

In Postgame by Rice Cube41 Comments

This play was a very aggressive send that almost didn’t work because it sounds like Cody Bellinger stumbled rounding third and wasn’t running as well as he could: You can see that catcher and runner got to the plate pretty much simultaneously, and as the commentary suggests, the umpire was ready to call Bellinger out except the ball rolled away. …

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Dreamcast 88: Counting Our Blessings

In by Rice Cube156 Comments

Somehow the Cubs are still winning, so we got together to talk a bit about the frustrating slumps and silly losses in between the fact that the Cubs continue to stay near the top of the standings. We discuss the stupid injury luck, poor yet strangely effective bullpen performances, the rotation depth, and some bonus talk about the awesomeness that …

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Walk Off a Hero

In Postgame by Rice Cube100 Comments

Michael Busch was kinda scuffling, but my eternal optimism always thinks anyone can be a hero at any time in baseball. And boy did he pick his moment: There was rain in the area and since Busch is apparently part cat, he decided he didn’t feel like being wet longer than needed and also decided that it was best if …

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Back In Action

In Game Threads by Rice Cube27 Comments

I was at a weekend conference in Chicago where I couldn’t actually go to a Cubs game, but did see them win the series against the Brewers. I followed most of the tough opening loss to the Padres before I had to go on airplane mode, but it’s good to know that the Cubs are holding serve while continuing to …