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The Return of Bote

In News And Rumors by Rice Cube24 Comments

Rejoice, ye peasants, the lords on high have heeded your cries. In short: It appears David Bote shall return to the Cubs, replacing Nick Madrigal. Bote has been playing all over the place on the infield, including shortstop, and has more power potential than our short king. Meanwhile, Madrigal will get what I presume would be more regular playing time …

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Dreamcast 89: Therapy Session

In by Rice Cube91 Comments

The jabronis get together after a fairly frustrating and not-fun stretch of Cubs futility to talk ourselves off the ledge as there is plenty of season left and the Cubs are still miraculously maintaining a winning record. We admire Shota Imanaga from afar, talk about the M-guys, and consider the options moving forward. You can check out the podcast page or just …

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Dreamcast 75: The Post-Mortem

In by Rice Cube92 Comments

The postseason will continue without the Cubs again, but we got together anyway to talk about what a fun season this was despite the disappointing end. Topics include: This one’s a longer one because we had a lot of stuff to say. We’ll get together again just before the World Series in case there’s some Cubs-related news that popped up …

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Dreamcast 60: Growing Pains

In by Rice Cube3 Comments

Well kids, the Cubs just got swept by the Astros, and the last one was a full blown bullpen meltdown just like in the old days. Berselius and Rice Cube got together for a quick record during the game on Tuesday and the stuff we talked about reared its ugly head on Wednesday, though it was nice to see Christopher …

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Dreamcast 59: Shrug Emoji

In by Rice Cube19 Comments

Why is it so hard these days for the Cubs to score runs, let alone win a baseball game? We did this yesterday on AC’s birthday where he got to tell us a little bit about his undying love for Nick Madrigal, and then we went ahead and discussed the rookies (well, Mervis is still here, Morel is back, and …

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Whither Leadoff?

In Commentary And Analysis by Rice Cube19 Comments

Here we are at the end of January, trying to avoid work while awaiting the coming of Spring Training. We’ve talked at length about the tall mountain the Cubs must climb to not just be plucky underdogs but actually get into the postseason, and a lot of that is because of the barely above average offense they have constructed. There …

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Ate at Arby’s, On to the Next

In Major League Baseball, News And Rumors by Rice Cube18 Comments

Previously, we talked about the remaining arbitration-eligible Cubs and the impending deadline: That deadline has since passed, and you can see every arbitration case has been settled before they have to bring in the agents and front office bad-mouthers: Checking the Cots Contracts tracker, it would appear the Cubs are about $22MM below the first luxury tax threshold, and as …