Garza ——–> MRI on elbow

In Unobstructed Views by dmick891 Comment

The only starting pitcher the Cubs have had this year that’s been any good is now going to miss his scheduled start on Sunday and visit a doctor. He’ll have an MRI and knowing the Cubs luck will probably be out for the next 19 years. BOSTON – Believe it or not, the Cubs’ starting pitching went from worst to …

Random Cubs Notes and Ramblings

In News And Rumors by andcounting402 Comments

The world won’t end today, but by the 5th inning of tonight’s game, you’ll wish it had. The Cubs aren’t just modeling themselves after the Red Sox, they’re four years ahead of the curve. They signed a speedy left fielder with diminishing potential to a gaudy longterm contract long before Theo Epstein made it fashionable. (h/t, of course, to Berselius) …

Cubs Baserunning

In Unobstructed Views by dmick892 Comments

Baseball Prospectus has their sortable statistics available for 2011 now. The first thing I checked out was the Cubs baserunning numbers since they’ve sucked at baserunning for several years. So far they rank 21st in baseball in EqBRR (Equivalent Baserunning Runs) and are -1.0. They did rank 14th last year, but 28th the year before that. Darwin Barney has been …

Cashner to see Dr. Yocum about shoulder

In Unobstructed Views by dmick891 Comment

I haven’t found an official report, but journalists have said this is so on twitter and twitter never lies. Search Cashner on Twitter Has anybody ever seen Dr. Yocum and gotten good news? UPDATE: Bruce Levine has it up on ESPN. Chicago Cubs right-handed pitcher Andrew Cashner will fly to Los Angeles on Monday to consult Dr. Lewis Yocum about …

Series Preview: Chicago Cubs (19-23) at Boston Red Sox (23-20)

In Series Previews by berselius276 Comments

This could be interesting. Or very ugly. If you’re looking to be patronized, be sure to check out today’s column by Gordon Edes. Team Overview Team stats with respective league rankings wOBA: Sox: .331 (7th), .328 (3rd) UZR: Sox: 5.1 (5th), Cubs: -6.7 (11th)DRS: Sox: -16 (12th), Cubs: -28 (15th)SP FIP: Sox: 4.25 (12th), Cubs: 4.03 (10th)RP FIP: Sox: 3.75 …

2011 MLB Draft: Links

In Minor Leagues by dmick8927 Comments

The 2011 MLB Draft begins on June 6th and ends on June 8th. The Cubs pick 9th this year. There are all kinds of names floating around as potential Cubs picks, but if we’ve learned anything with Wilken drafting it’s that he’ll take someone no one has ever heard of. I don’t even think Wilken has heard of some of …

Don’t Ever Bet On the Cubs at Home

In News And Rumors by aisle424154 Comments

Today, I happened upon a site looking at how well you would do historically if you bet on the Cubs regularly. Obviously, (and I don’t think we needed actual data to convince us of this) the result of such betting would have been bad.  Not Oh-Darn-I-Guess-I-Won’t-Be-Able-to-Buy-That-iPad-Now bad, but more like Holy-Shit-I’m-Now-Homeless bad. I don’t fully understand how lost “units” are …

Soriano’s Contract: Disability Insurance

In Unobstructed Views by Obstructed View Staff2 Comments

It makes sense for Major League Baseball teams, when handing out large multiyeared contracts that are “guaranteed,” to have an insurance policy to lessen the loss to the organization should the player suffer a career ending inury or be otherwise physically unable to play for the team.  Given Alfonso Soriano’s contract, I thought I’d be interesting to take a look …

Besides That, Cubs Fans, How Have You Enjoyed the Ricketts Era?

In News And Rumors by aisle424198 Comments

The Ricketts showed up last year at the Cubs Convention to a hero’s welcome.  If the crowds could have somehow gotten ahold of some rose petals or palm fronds to throw at their feet, they surely would have.  Finally!  The reign of the Tribune had come to an end!  Long live the Ricketts Family!!! They talked about how they were …