An interview worth reading

In Unobstructed Views by dmick891 Comment

Those who like stats are familiar with CHONE, which was the best projection system around. It was created by Sean Smith who is better known as Rally (rallymonkey5). Halos Heaven did an interview with him that I enjoyed reading so I figured I’d link to it here. My favorite is quoted below. What happens when you take a player who …

The Cubs Are Who We Thought They Were

In News And Rumors by andcounting50 Comments

Tony Campana will remember May 17, 2011 as the day he made his major league debut, the day he scored his first run, notched his first RBI, and delivered the first single of his career. People around the world might remember it as a night with a full moon, particularly if they gave birth, went cuckoo, or were attacked by …

It’s never too early to look ahead to next year

In News And Rumors by dmick89138 Comments

A few years ago I wouldn’t have considered writing something about looking ahead. The Cubs had the pieces in place to contend for as long as they were willing to supplement the roster when it was needed. Following the 2009 season the Cubs refused to do that and what they basically agreed to do at that time was a much …

Cubs Minor League Progress

In Unobstructed Views by dmick8996 Comments

mb21 recently had a blog post about fangraphs Cubs top 10 prospects. As the season has progressed, I’ve become increasingly interested in the farm and less with the ML club. I wanted to give updates and some subjective analysis to those who don’t know much about the farm, but are interested enough to read an overview of their seasons so …

Are the Cubs out of it?

In News And Rumors by dmick89142 Comments

The Cubs sit 6 games behind the Reds after last night’s loss. I’ll even admit that I didn’t think the Cubs would fall this far behind this quickly. With the Cubs easy schedule early on I expected them to actually look like a contender and then fall back when the schedule became tougher. Instead of that, the Cubs fell behind …

Cashner to have another MRI

In Unobstructed Views by dmick893 Comments

Andrew Cashner’s extended spring training start was called off today because of tightness in his shoulder. He’ll have another MRI. CINCINNATI- Andrew Cashner’s rehab from a rotator cuff strain hit a setback when he experienced shoulder tightness while warming up before a throwing session Monday in Mesa, Ariz. Cashner will get an MRI on the right shoulder. He experienced pain in …