Ten Things I Shouldn’t Have to Tell Cubs Fans (But I Do)

In News And Rumors by andcounting215 Comments

I had the pleasure of seeing the Cubs on Opening Day yesterday along with Julie and Deb of Aerys Sports and Ana from Accidentally Sexy, and a lot of cool people* willing to get soaked and chilled in order to show us a good time. But along the way I came into contact with more than a few Cubs fans who, apparently, haven’t …

NL Central Questions & Answers: Pittsburgh Pirates

In Major League Baseball by dmick8921 Comments

This is our final NL Central Questions & Answers and this time Pat Lackey from Where Have You Gone Andy Van Slyke answers our questions. Obstruced View: Neal Huntington – yea or nay? WHYGAVS: I think Huntington's done a pretty good job thus far for the Pirates; far better than his two predecessors at the very least. The Pirates last …

Probably something about nothing

In Game Threads by dmick8922 Comments

Prior to tomorrow's game we'll be posting the final NL Central interview. I had planned to post it this evening, but I thought I'd throw something else together. Anyone who has read much of anything of mine over the years knows that I'm not one of those people who goes nuts over pitch counts. That doesn't mean I don't pay …

Obstructed View Opening Day Roundtable – part 2

In News And Rumors by berselius61 Comments

Your fearless Obstructed View Executive Chairmen got together to discuss various topics related to the 2011 Cubs season. We looked at the offseason and the new additions to the club in part one. Here’s part two, which focuses on our predictions for the 2011 season. Ryan Theriot [mb21] : How many times will Theriot get a standing ovation when the …

NL Central Questions & Answers: St. Louis Cardinals

In Major League Baseball by dmick89125 Comments

This is Obstructed View’s 4th interview with an NL Central blogger that we’re posting this week. Steve Sommer of Gashouse Graphs has taken some time to answer these questions and I’m most appreciative. We’ll have our final interview (Pirates) tomorrow evening after the Cubs/Pirates game. Obstructed View: Cubs fans are all too familiar with Ryan Theriot. Aside from the 2008 …

Opening Day in the Time of Cholera

In News And Rumors by andcounting220 Comments

It’s Opening Day in Major League Baseball, one day before the Cubs officially begin to toy with our hopes in earnest. So I thought I’d take this opportunity to brace myself for the plunge into denial with a look at the reasons we keep coming back to this team, reasons that really aren’t unique to the Cubs at all. Contrary …

Obstructed View Opening Day Roundtable – part 1

In News And Rumors by dmick8977 Comments

Your fearless Obstructed View Executive Chairmen got together to discuss various topics related to the 2011 Cubs season. Here’s part one of our roundtable, that focuses on the offseason and specific players/figures. Part 2 will focus on our predictions for the 2011 season. Mike Quade [mb21] : Should we start with Quade?[aisle 424] : Sounds as good as anything.[berselius] : …

NL Central Preview: St. Louis Cardinals

In Other Topics by berselius68 Comments

Last Year: Most thought that the Cardinals had all the pieces to run away with the NL Central, but somehow it never came together. Their offense dipped by 4 points from their 2009 rate to a .321 wOBA, good for 7th in the NL. Their pitchers posted an excellent 3.57 ERA (4th) and a 3.85 FIP (7th), and their defensive …

NL Central Questions & Answers: Cincinnati Reds

In Major League Baseball by dmick8979 Comments

Here at Obstructed View we’re publishing team projections for the NL Central teams as well as interview with someone who blogs about that team. This time we have Justin Inaz. If you’re not familiar with Justin, he’s one of the smarter people that blogs about a specific team. He’s written for Beyond the Box Score and is currently writing for …