The word of the day was injuries as there are a lot of pitchers hitting the injured list through various ailments, and we talk a bit about that on this Dreamcast, along with our praises and thoughts about the Cubs starting this season off strongly against some tough competition (not the Rockies).
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Forgot I posted a new thread (dying laughing)
Rice CubeQuote Reply
This was pretty solid from the social media crew
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I watched this about 15 times and now you can too
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I guess the gist would be that any use at this point is “overuse” because the arm might not be able to take it
Rice CubeQuote Reply
No time for love/series preview, Dr. Jones, so just the pitching matchups
Monday: Javier Assad vs Yu Darvish, 8:40 CT
Tuesday: Ben Brown(?) vs Joe Musgrove, 9:05 PM CT
Wed: Cyle Hendricks vs Dylan Cease, 5:40 PM CT
Selfishly enjoying the later start times
berseliusQuote Reply
Didi Gregorius and David Cone
βΎοΈ Immaculate Grid 372 9/9:
Rarity: 22
Play at:
@immaculategrid x @baseball_ref
PerkinsQuote Reply
MLBPA wrote up their spiel on the pitch clock injury thing
Rice CubeQuote Reply
This is cool, good luck
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Clouds too dense to see much of anything here, partial eclipse-wise
berseliusQuote Reply
I can get behind more Henry Aaron statues
berseliusQuote Reply
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
Cubs ahead of the cardinals so I’ll take it
berseliusQuote Reply
Well this is no fun
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
Manta Ray: 2500 pounds.
A ray of sunshine: A photon: 10^(-47)mg * how many every photons in a ray of sunshine. A question for Berselius to answer.
BVSQuote Reply
I only work with the photons that you don’t want to touch you, unfortunately. At least, not for very long (dying laughing)
berseliusQuote Reply
More seriously, IIRC photons having mass would mess up a bunch of things since it would mean that the speed of light is an upper bound instead of an actual speed, so you’d have things like red light moving more slowly than blue light. or similar effects for xrays and gamma rays. But when you get to that level of particle physics all units are in eV and it hurts my brain (dying laughing)
berseliusQuote Reply
I was always under the impression that photons being light meant they had no mass, which is why they could travel at the speed of light
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Assad vs Yu
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Reds destroying Brewers, too bad they can’t just nuke each other but someone has to win
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Chicago Cubs baseball is ON the air!
berseliusQuote Reply
Seiya still with the hot bat
berseliusQuote Reply
Assad still bringing it.
andcountingQuote Reply
Close game in the basketball
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
UConn threatening to pull away tho
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Gotta find that Cubs meat grinder
Rice CubeQuote Reply
andcountingQuote Reply
Found it, good old Randall
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Assadβs nickname should be The Prestige, because there is simply no explanation for how he escapes like that.
andcountingQuote Reply
Hey guys this is fun
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Thatβll do.
andcountingQuote Reply
man step away for an hour and there’s a gushing stream of runs
berseliusQuote Reply
Bullpen may need to eat up to 4 innings assuming no catastrophe
Rice CubeQuote Reply
He has a secret twin brother, ez
berseliusQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
RC on a neverending mission to jinx everything. (dying laughing)
andcountingQuote Reply
Not ideal
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I’d say no dinner but I already ate
Rice CubeQuote Reply
berseliusQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
Iβm watching you.
andcountingQuote Reply
Cubs lead still, miraculously
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
andcountingQuote Reply
LSA rec’d +1
berseliusQuote Reply
I suppose this is our fault for speaking well of the Cubs
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Iβll go ahead and do some jinxing of my own:
At least I havenβt had a stroke yet.
andcountingQuote Reply
Fred Sanford dot gif
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice CubeQuote Reply
berseliusQuote Reply
berseliusQuote Reply
I’d be intrigued to see how they bounce back from this one
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I went to bed with the Cubs leading 4-0 and now Iβm glad I didnβt stay up for that.
PerkinsQuote Reply
Two of the 3B were most of this.
βΎοΈ Immaculate Grid 373 9/9:
Rarity: 21
Play at:
@immaculategrid x @baseball_ref
PerkinsQuote Reply
Gerrit Cole as the reasonable voice in the room
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I gotta think they send Cuas down at this point. If you canβt trust a guy with an enormous lead, heβs taking up a valuable roster spot.
PerkinsQuote Reply
Agree. And they need a spot, maybe two, to refuel the pen. Could bring Keegan Thompson up. Or 60-day Merryweather and bring up Carl Jr or other. I don’t really see Wesneski coming up, except that he probably will because I think he won’t.
BVSQuote Reply
I used to be light. But I still had mass. I’d like to be a little lighter now, but I can’t find the spark to lose weight.
BVSQuote Reply
You have been banned from Obstructed View. You can browse but can’t participate. Please fax your acknowledgement.
berseliusQuote Reply
I still like Cuas, sometimes guys have a bad outing.
*Randy Wells/Jose Quintana sized grain of salt
berseliusQuote Reply
Apparently Cubs twitter is taking this loss in stride (dying laughing)
berseliusQuote Reply
At least, I like Cuas just as much as Edwards/Thompson/Wesneski. They need a fresh arm though so I guess it might as well be wesneski since he can go more innings.
berseliusQuote Reply
I’ve faxed acknowledgement to 1.618-033-9887 but you should know this has caused me to spiral.
BVSQuote Reply
Send another fax to
+2 718-281-8284
and you should rise back out, though don’t stay on the line for too long
berseliusQuote Reply
I think I’d send both Cuas and Almonte (if he has options, else Little) down and bring up two guys.
BVSQuote Reply
The must be a limit to how long we can keep this going. But at least we’re on brand for the natural ugh of OV.
BVSQuote Reply
Pitchers dropping like flies
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
Flexors and obliques seem to be the fad injury these days.
BVSQuote Reply
I think you can’t absolve the pitch clock of all sins but it isn’t hard to track the probable culprit here
Rice CubeQuote Reply
βΎοΈ Immaculate Grid 373 9/9:
Rarity: 11
Play at:
@immaculategrid x @baseball_ref
Jason Kendall, Koyie Hill, and Arismendy Alcantara were my Cubs
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
Doug Davis, Ian Stewart, and Luis Valbuena for me.
PerkinsQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
Even if one thinks it’s a delayed effect we’d also be seeing issues where we have more data in the minors
berseliusQuote Reply
Are MiLB pitcher usages way different than in the majors though? And I guess the other consideration is not every MiLBer can throw 95+ so that would skew the health status numbers some.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Just decided I needed to inject a bit of joy into my day
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Pirates are trying to make the Cubs feel less alone by also blowing leads
berseliusQuote Reply
Julio Urias –> officially charged as a trash bag
Rice CubeQuote Reply
So we know Mervis is pretty good against AAA, but let’s see if the next time he is given a shot, he can translate that to MLB
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Hopefully a not-disappointing night tonight
LF Happ
RF Suzuki
CF Bellinger
3B Morel
SS Swanson
1B Busch
2B Hoerner
DH Cooper
C Gomes
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
This is like the marlins pre-emptively lame ducking Skip Schumacher
berseliusQuote Reply
White Sox will have gone four seasons without a legitimate manager. Itβs amazing. I canβt imagine what itβs like to be a fan of much less a player on that team.
andcountingQuote Reply
Jackson Holliday –> seasoned enough
Rice CubeQuote Reply
A) Donβt run on Cody.
B) Love that tag by Morel.
C) Or do, or donβt, I canβt tell you what to do.
andcountingQuote Reply
Belli big play–>
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Big fan of Seiya Suzuki
Rice CubeQuote Reply
nico glove good
berseliusQuote Reply
Ben Brown doing well against a decent lineup with a little help from his friends, Cubs should score IMO
Rice CubeQuote Reply
berseliusQuote Reply
Gas money!
andcountingQuote Reply
bases clogged
berseliusQuote Reply
berseliusQuote Reply
andcountingQuote Reply
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice CubeQuote Reply
431 feet (dying laughing)
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Letβs get three more and breathe a HUGE sigh of unmitigated relief.
andcountingQuote Reply
Happy now?
BVSQuote Reply
Wait! The Cubs didn’t make a bullpen move today? Could they not find a flight from Iowa to San Diego?
BVSQuote Reply
Someone made the point that certain pitchers optioned to the minors need to spend a certain amount of time down before they could be recalled at the beginning of the season so that might be it
Rice CubeQuote Reply
banking on having smyly/leiter/almonte available again today I guess
berseliusQuote Reply
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Leiter has some incredible hat hair
berseliusQuote Reply
A lot of people blaming last night on the first guy out of the pen, but I feel like we need to remember that correlation does not prove Cuasation.
andcountingQuote Reply
Nice pick, Busch.
andcountingQuote Reply
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Clearly one of the 4 people listening to this podcast
Rice CubeQuote Reply
still my favorite xkcd
berseliusQuote Reply
With a 4-run lead I guess it’s just lightly dry hump the closer
berseliusQuote Reply
berseliusQuote Reply
Cubs got punched and punched right back
Rice CubeQuote Reply
berseliusQuote Reply