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Random Thoughts On a Saturday

In Commentary And Analysis by Rice Cube101 Comments

I chose the Craig jpg by berselius mostly because it’s funny, not because the Cubs are bad. In fact, if we take a look right now (before they play the second game of their series at Fenway as of this writing), the Chicago North Side Baseball Club is actually the fourth best team in the majors, albeit third best in …

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The Cubs Night Before Christmas 2022

In aside, Other Topics by Rice Cube12 Comments

‘Twas the night before Christmas, including Chicago Barely anyone stirring because it’s so cold The Cubs had signed Dansby and young Bellinger With hopes for a new ring for the baby bears The plan was to load up on pitchers and D To ensure the opponents scored fewer than three As many batters put on other teams’ caps What’s to …

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Random Crap For the Off Day

In Other Topics by Rice Cube23 Comments

We have to wait for the World Series to end before anything will happen that necessitates any level of “analysis,” so I figured it was fine to just pull a Seinfeld and write a post about mostly nothing. I thought about some of the silly baseball terms that people still argue about online (at least until Twitter dies, but I’m …

Random Cubs Notes and Ramblings

In News And Rumors by andcounting402 Comments

The world won’t end today, but by the 5th inning of tonight’s game, you’ll wish it had. The Cubs aren’t just modeling themselves after the Red Sox, they’re four years ahead of the curve. They signed a speedy left fielder with diminishing potential to a gaudy longterm contract long before Theo Epstein made it fashionable. (h/t, of course, to Berselius) …

Can’t-Lose Thursday: Random Points of Hopefulness

In News And Rumors by andcounting141 Comments

The Cubs can’t lose today. Nary a single Cubbie appendix has ruptured. Starlin Castro hasn’t been put in timeout yet. Alfonso Soriano leads the league in homers. Wrigley Field hasn’t had chunks of itself fly off in several months. Albert Pujols‘ free agent value has tumbled to $299 million. No new Nicolas Cage movies are being released this weekend. It’s …