The start to Matt Garza‘s career as a Cub has not gone as planned. After giving up Chris Archer, Robinson Chirinos, Hak-Ju Lee, Brandon Guyer and Super Sam Fuld, the Cubs Cubs were expecting big things from Garza. He’d been a very good pitcher for a few years now and was moving from the AL East to the NL Central. He was the supposed top of the rotation starter the Cubs have lacked in recent years. A closer look at his stats revealed a pitcher who was quite similar in value to Ryan Dempster, Carlos Zambrano and even Randy Wells.
Despite giving up so much, sometimes you just assume the team who traded for a player like that saw something that made it worth it. I’ve been opposed to this trade since the moment we first heard rumors about it. The Cubs didn’t need to add payroll while getting rid of young prospects. They needed to exactly the opposite, but it’s done. Entering the season Garza was projected to be worth about 3 WAR, which is right there with Zambrano and Dempster.
He’s allowed 6.27 runs per 9 innings (RA) and his Base Runs per 9 innings (BsR9) is nearly as bad at 5.30. Although he’s kept the ball in the park, he has allowed 7 extra base hits. Then again, that’s much better than Ryan Dempster‘s 12 XBH allowed and not much worse than Zambrano’s 5 XBH allowed. All the Cubs starting pitchers have gotten hit hard to start the season. As a result, it’s nearly impossible for a team with a less than average offense to put up a winning record and the Cubs haven’t even done that against much less than average competition.
The Cubs wanted a top of the rotation starter, but so far they’ve gotten only a back of the rotation starter. Only 23 starters with 10 or more IP have a worse ERA than Garza. Ryan Dempster has been the 22nd worst while Carlos Zambrano‘s ERA ranks 28th worst. That’s only one side of Garza’s story though.
The start to Matt Garza‘s career as a Cub has gone far better than anyone expected. The hard throwing righty’s best K/9 rate was in 2008 at 8.4 per 9. In his 18.2 innings this year, he’s struck out more than 12 batters per 9 innings. That’s almost 5 strikeouts per 9 higher than his 7.2 career average. Not only has one aspect of his fielding independent pitching statistics improved, but so have the others. Garza’s career BB/9 rate was 3.16, but he’s walked only 5 (2.4 BB/9). One of those walks was intentional. His uninteional walk rate is below 2. That’s not all. Garza is a flyball pitcher who of course is going to give up a lot of home runs. He hasn’t allowed one yet. Part of the reason is that Garza is not allowing nealry as many fly balls. The only season in his career in which he’s allowed more GB than this season is 2007.
Due to the improvement in these fielding independent pitching stats, Garza’s FIP is an impressive 1.21. That’s the best in all of baseball among starters with 10 or more innings. By a long, long way. Next up is Roy Halladay with his 1.63 FIP. Sam LeCure also has a 1.63 FIP and 4th best is Cliff Lee at 1.69. His 1.95 xFIP also leads the league. It beats Cliff Lee (2.02), Clayton Kershaw (2.19), and Tim Lincecum (2.45). Any time you can say you’ve been better than Roy Halladay, Cliff Lee, Tim Lincecum and Clayton Kershaw things are going well.
As for WAR, Garza has been worth 1.0 WAR already. Only Roy Halladay has been worth as much (1.0) and Halladay has thrown 4 more innings. Among all players in 2011, only Matt Kemp (1.3), Troy Tulowitzki (1.3), Colby Rasmus (1.2) and Alex Rodriguez (1.1) have been worth more WAR than Matt Garza. Joey Votto, Halladay and Garza have each been worth 1.0 WAR.
The Cubs thought they were getting a top of the rotation starter, but what Garza has done so far isn’t just top of the rotation, it’s best in baseball.
We’re talking about a relatively meaingless sample size at this point. We haven’t really learned anything more about Garza than we did by this time last year with Carlos Zambrano before his bullpen test. Speaking of that, the two performances are kind of similar. Both had awful ERA’s while both looked significantly better when you looked at their FIP. However, both were also hit so hard that it was difficult to take the FIP too seriously.
Carlos Zambrano allowed nearly 20% of the fly balls to end up as home runs. His BABIP was .397. Although Garza has yet to allow a home run, well over 30% of the balls in play have been line drives resulting in a .474 BABIP. Zambrano allowed a lot of home runs and some cheap hits while Garza has allowed a lot of line drives and a few cheap hits. Both were knocked around and very bad despite their shiny FIP. Each was a little unlucky too. Garza’s LOB% is below 60% while Z’s was about 65%, which is well below league average. There’s no reason his LOB% shouldn’t return to what he’s typically allowed. There’s also no reason that his LD% shouldn’t return to what the league average is (~20%). There was no reason Z’s HR/FB rate shouldn’t have returned about league average (~10%) as well and it did. His LOB% dropped. His HR/FB rate dropped. His BABIP dropped. All things we knew would happen that did.
We know Zambrano eventually settled down. We knew the sample size was meaingless even if the Cubs did not understand it. We also know the same thing with Matt Garza. At each point in the season, the ERA (RA is much preferrable) more closely represented how they had pitched, but their solid FIPs and xFIPs were and are more reprsentative of how they’ll pitch moving forward. Well, not 1.2 FIP like Garza has, but you get the point. He’s not that good just as he’s not as bad as his ugly RA would have you believe.
Is the high BABIP a direct reflection of his high LD%? Is he getting unlucky with bloop hits, infield hits, etc?
MuckerQuote Reply
(dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
A complete game shutout in Coors field? Are you serial?
Even a AA team can score a run there by accident.
GBTSQuote Reply
Garza’s season has been so strange. Normally I’d expect someone who sees a crazy spike in strikeouts to accomplish that by nibbling at the strike zone and increasing his walk total, not by also getting absolutely hammered when his pitches do get hit. I’d be curious to know which pitch or pitches are getting hit most frequently.
AndCountingQuote Reply
Fangraphs has his line drive rate at 34.5%, which is quite high. It almost certainly won’t stay this high for long, however. (He also has a very high infield hit percentage of 12.5%.)
ACTQuote Reply
The 12 hit pittsburg game seemed to be filled with little dribblers through the IF, but that’s my unscientific observation.
MishQuote Reply
MishQuote Reply
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]new thread up:
Why the fuck do most URL’s posted in comments not work, but some of them do?
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban Kid]Why the fuck do most URL’s posted in comments not work, but some of them do?[/quote]What the shit? It works when quoted, but not when not.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Cunt. It works in this thread but not the last.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
If you aren’t logged in, links won’t work for you. Logged in, they work. It’s magic.
AndCountingQuote Reply
Nevermind. Nothing to see here.
URLs are hyperlinked for you if you are one of OVBlog’s best customers (i.e. logged in), but not if you are
just some fairweather passerby looking for cheap ticketsnot logged in.Suburban kidQuote Reply
I’m glad I get all the premium benefits of being a fully paid up customer. (dying laughing)
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban Kid]I’m glad I get all the premium benefits of being a fully paid up customer. (dying laughing)[/quote]Nonregistered visitors can get links to work for $10. My apologies.
AndCountingQuote Reply
I’m sorry. I’m a little late but I pay $60 to post here, and having you give it away for less is insulting.
MishQuote Reply
[quote name=Muck Muckintuck]Is the high BABIP a direct reflection of his high LD%? Is he getting unlucky with bloop hits, infield hits, etc?[/quote]Yes, the high babip is most certainly so high because of the high LD%. A quick babip estimation is LD% + .12. You get a .465 xBABIP if you do it that way, which is almost exactly what it is.
Line drives fall in for hits about 75% of the time while it’s about 25% for ground balls and 20% for fly balls. Those aren’t exact numbers. I’m sure you can find it if you google it.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=AndCounting]Garza’s season has been so strange. Normally I’d expect someone who sees a crazy spike in strikeouts to accomplish that by nibbling at the strike zone and increasing his walk total, not by also getting absolutely hammered when his pitches do get hit. I’d be curious to know which pitch or pitches are getting hit most frequently.[/quote]It’s weird. My first thought was that there wasn’t as much of an increase in his K% (strikeouts per plate appearances) and the reason for much of the increase was that he was just facing so many more batters because of all the hits. But his career K% is 18.9% and this year it 29.1%.
Much of it just noise at this point.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Suburban Kid]Why the fuck do most URL’s posted in comments not work, but some of them do?[/quote]I didn’t realize they didn’t work when you weren’t logged in. I noticed it a couple times, but didn’t think much about it. I just changed it so poor SK can click on links when he’s not logged in. (dying laughing)
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Mish]I’m sorry. I’m a little late but I pay $60 to post here, and having you give it away for less is insulting.[/quote]I promise you, this will never happen again.
AndCountingQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]It’s weird. My first thought was that there wasn’t as much of an increase in his K% (strikeouts per plate appearances) and the reason for much of the increase was that he was just facing so many more batters because of all the hits. But his career K% is 18.9% and this year it 29.1%.
Much of it just noise at this point.[/quote]
When Garza misses, he misses way up in the zone. I can’t do pitchf x magic like Harry but that’s what I’ve seen on Gameday.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I didn’t realize they didn’t work when you weren’t logged in. I noticed it a couple times, but didn’t think much about it. I just changed it so poor SK can click on links when he’s not logged in. (dying laughing)[/quote]I’m a high maintenance bitch.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
From what I can tell here:
and here:
Garza is throwing significantly fewer 4-seam fastballs and more of each of the other 4 pitches. The velocity is also down 1 mph on the 4-seamer. He’s throwing a lot more strikes, which is a good thing.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Yes, the high babip is most certainly so high because of the high LD%. A quick babip estimation is LD% + .12. You get a .465 xBABIP if you do it that way, which is almost exactly what it is.
Line drives fall in for hits about 75% of the time while it’s about 25% for ground balls and 20% for fly balls. Those aren’t exact numbers. I’m sure you can find it if you google it.[/quote]I appreciate the info. I don’t know much about those types of stats but I like to try and understand them.
He seems to throw a lot of fastballs and he has some nice pitches so if he can make some adjustments, he might actually be able to show his face in Wrigley. (dying laughing)
MuckerQuote Reply
[quote name=Muck Muckintuck]I appreciate the info. I don’t know much about those types of stats but I like to try and understand them.
He seems to throw a lot of fastballs and he has some nice pitches so if he can make some adjustments, he might actually be able to show his face in Wrigley. (dying laughing)[/quote]
[quote name=mb21]From what I can tell here:
and here:
Garza is throwing significantly fewer 4-seam fastballs and more of each of the other 4 pitches. The velocity is also down 1 mph on the 4-seamer. He’s throwing a lot more strikes, which is a good thing.[/quote]Just goes to show you I have no idea what I’m talking about. (dying laughing)
MuckerQuote Reply
I like his fastball a lot too. I also like that slider. I think RC is probably right. When he misses, he misses in the middle of the zone. I don’t expect that to continue.
mb21Quote Reply
Right mb, but some of those strikes are also in the danger zone. Like last night, he went 3-0 on CarGo and the strike he threw was up. I was really surprised CarGo didn’t jump all over that but it was a 3-0 pitch. The “triple” was on a hanging slider. I’m not a pitching expert but I’m sure there’s a reason why coaches tell the pitcher to miss down if he’s going to miss. I think Garza’s issue isn’t his stuff, but that his few mistakes are leading to lots of damage because he’s missing up.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Coleman starts tonight right? I wonder if they’ll score a run for him.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
WTF Bulls?!?!?!?!?!
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
[quote name=bubblesdachimp]WTF Bulls?!?!?!?!?![/quote]Correct.
MishQuote Reply
I mean i jsut dont get it.. I mean who the fuck does Tyler Hansbrough think he is?
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
cdwQuote Reply
We better come back
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
cdwQuote Reply
GWQuote Reply
Holy crap. I’ve been following on the ticker and they were behind by 4 points for a looooong time. Now I check and they’re up by 3 with 49 seconds left?
Suburban kidQuote Reply
EDIT: Crazy Bulls game. Rose = MVP
cdwQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban Kid]Holy crap. I’ve been following on the ticker and they were behind by 4 points for a looooong time. Now I check and they’re up by 3 with 49 seconds left?[/quote]
Crazy game.
MishQuote Reply
Bulls FUCK YEA!!!
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
Derrick Rose: also good at sports.
AndCountingQuote Reply
mb21Quote Reply
Derrick Rose is the goods.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Johnny Damon has played at least 140 games every year since 1996.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Regarding the link in number 40 so people don’t think I’m spamming OV:
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Johnny Damon has played at least 140 games every year since 1996.[/quote]What a wuss.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21][/quote]bastards
GWQuote Reply
Holy crap, Jason Kubel just made an incredible throw.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Johnny Damon has played at least 140 games every year since 1996.[/quote]That’s pretty ironic.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban Kid]That’s pretty ironic.[/quote]What’s the over/under on the irony?
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]What’s the over/under on the irony?[/quote]2010
Suburban kidQuote Reply
There is an epic beard on the Rays’ bench. For you Rayswhores: who is that? That beard is Brian Wilson-esque.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Good God the DRays lineup is atrocious. How does Casey Kotchman still have a starting job?
fight2winQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban Kid]2010[/quote]Amusing, but wrong.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
the beard belongs to their bench coach, Dave Martinez
fight2winQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Amusing, but wrong.[/quote]This isn’t Rain Man, you know.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
I’ve never understood how online gambling is illegal yet there are dozens of online gambling sites. I don’t think it should be illegal. If people want to throw their money away, so be it.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=fight2win]the beard belongs to their bench coach, Dave Martinez[/quote]Gracias. That thing is awesome.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban Kid]This isn’t Rain Man, you know.[/quote]Definitely not Rain Man. Definitely not.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Nyjer Morgan has a .522 OBP.
And has walked twice all year.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Oof, Upton did not play that well.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Brett Jackson Leads off. Gets a hit. Steals Second.
Spencer Walks.
Vitters goes yard. He might be awesome! He is still young
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I’ve never understood how online gambling is illegal yet there are dozens of online gambling sites. I don’t think it should be illegal. If people want to throw their money away, so be it.[/quote]
This has nothing to do with that. It has to do with the Government feeling like they should get a slice of it, because they get a sizable slice of other gambling profits.
XoomwaffleQuote Reply
[quote name=bubblesdachimp]Brett Jackson Leads off. Gets a hit. Steals Second.
Spencer Walks.
Vitters goes yard. He might be awesome! He is still young[/quote]
He has been playing 1b more than a bit. That seems like a curious decision to me
fight2winQuote Reply
[quote name=fight2win]He has been playing 1b more than a bit. That seems like a curious decision to me[/quote]It’s the IF version of the bullpen test.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=fight2win]He has been playing 1b more than a bit. That seems like a curious decision to me[/quote]I know a lot of scouts think that’s where he ends up, but it seems to me you do not make such changes until you have to. Either you need the 3B spot for someone who can stick there or you wait until AAA at the earliest. It’s not like it’s hard to learn first base.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I know a lot of scouts think that’s where he ends up, but it seems to me you do not make such changes until you have to. Either you need the 3B spot for someone who can stick there or you wait until AAA at the earliest. It’s not like it’s hard to learn first base.[/quote]Like I said, IF version of the bullpen test. (dying laughing)
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Its a curious decision but i understand it if its done for this reason- Ramirez is expected to depart after 2011, and DJ LeMahieu is being primed to start at 3rd for the 2012 Cubs. LeMahieu would temporarily steal some time away from vitters before LeMahieu is promoted to AAA. After his promotion Vitters returns to 3b.
fight2winQuote Reply
Looks like all the players in the Braves/Mets game are wearing 42 today. Did they change it so all players wear it, or is it an individual or team decision?
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Does LeMahieu have the bat to play 3B in the NL?
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Hes playing third tonight. I think a pretty nice core would be castro soto jackson vitters and we will see on colvin. Maybe vitters is ths middle of the order bat we need to develop. Which is why if he can play third and we can get pujols and or fielder than all of a sudden you have a pretty sweet
Jackson CF
Castro SS
Pujols/Fielder/Aramis 1st
Soto C
Vitters 3b
Colvin Rf
Soriano 2B
Lemaheiu/barney/flaherty (i havent given up on him being left handed derosa)
Maybe if lemehaiu develops you could put brett jackson in the 3 move everyone down and put dj @ the top..
I really am confident that bjax and vitters are going to be solid regulars to all stars. Maybe vitters is healthy finally?
/bubbles dreaming
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban Kid]Looks like all the players in the Braves/Mets game are wearing 42 today. Did they change it so all players wear it, or is it an individual or team decision?[/quote]Everybody wears it now.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Does LeMahieu have the bat to play 3B in the NL?[/quote]No I think he has to play second or ss.
Vitters is playing 3rd today I though
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban Kid]Looks like all the players in the Braves/Mets game are wearing 42 today. Did they change it so all players wear it, or is it an individual or team decision?[/quote]That’s how it was at one point, wasn’t it?
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Does LeMahieu have the bat to play 3B in the NL?[/quote]I doubt he has the bat, but he is a SS so his defense may be good enough for it to work. I doubt it though.
More likely it would Ryan Flaherty who is raking so far this year or at least last time I checked.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Everybody wears it now.[/quote]True. I’m wearing it right now. I assume you are too. Everybody else is.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]That’s how it was at one point, wasn’t it?[/quote]At first it was “encouraged” that every team have a player wear it. Then a bunch of guys wanted to wear it and that made some of the African-American players question the practice and after 3 years of debate, MLB’s hamfisted solution was to have all players and umpires wear on April 15.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I doubt he has the bat, but he is a SS so his defense may be good enough for it to work. I doubt it though.
More likely it would Ryan Flaherty who is raking so far this year or at least last time I checked.[/quote]
I would throw the derosa comp on flaherty and the freddy sanchez comp on lemaehiu
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
I feel like we have this discussion every year, but I still hate the everyone wears #42 thing.
GBTSQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]That’s how it was at one point, wasn’t it?[/quote]Yeah, I remember a few years ago only one or two guys per team were wearing it.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]I feel like we have this discussion every year.[/quote]Fuck you.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]I feel like we have this discussion every year, but I still hate the everyone wears #42 thing.[/quote]Torii Hunter and Sabathia have been pretty vocal opponents of it, as well. IIRC, Derrek Lee isn’t a fan, either.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Torii Hunter and Sabathia have been pretty vocal opponents of it, as well. IIRC, Derrek Lee isn’t a fan, either.[/quote]
IIRC, Lee was the one to wear it back in 06 or 07 when they did it the first time. I think they had one player per team wear it for the first year, and then opened it up to several per team.
Then in 09, they decided just to make every player wear it. I think it’d be a huge honor to be the one player on a team allowed to wear it, but having everyone wear it cheapens it quite a bit.
PerkinsQuote Reply
For some reason I thought Jack Jones wore 42.
mb21Quote Reply
In 2007 it was Jones, Cliff Floyd, Derrek Lee and Darryle Ward. Did they start this in 2006?
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Perkins]IIRC, Lee was the one to wear it back in 06 or 07 when they did it the first time. I think they had one player per team wear it for the first year, and then opened it up to several per team.
Then in 09, they decided just to make every player wear it. I think it’d be a huge honor to be the one player on a team allowed to wear it, but having everyone wear it cheapens it quite a bit.[/quote]Sabathia and Hunter have said much the same thing, and I vaguely remember Lee saying he thought it should be a more restricted thing
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
I prefer that all wear it or none. If the point is to honor Robinson and bring attention to the day then I think it’s appropriate for all players to wear 42. If only one player or just the black players wear it, I don’t think fans notice it as much. To me it acknowledges that the game is different for everyone since 42 broke the color barrier.
melissaQuote Reply
[quote name=melissa]I prefer that all wear it or none. If the point is to honor Robinson and bring attention to the day then I think it’s appropriate for all players to wear 42. If only one player or just the black players wear it, I don’t think fans notice it as much. To me it acknowledges that the game is different for everyone since 42 broke the color barrier.[/quote]I think the teams should elect one player to wear the number, and everyone else should wear a patch on their sleeve or their cap.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
On LeMahieu- His size and lankiness to me says that if he puts on a little muscle he could add some serious power to his high contact swing. Other than the obvious choices of Brett Jackson and Josh Vitters, LeMahieu is a guy i believe will surprise people. Definite darkhorse prospect in my opinion.
fight2winQuote Reply
I’m fine either way. If I recall, Jackie’s wife considered it an honor to have them all wearing 42 so I’d probably side more with her than anyone else. I’m betting Selig spoke with them before suggesting it. I’m pretty sure he spoke with Rachel after Griffey, Jr. petitioned Selig to wear it in 2006 or 2007.
As long as it was done with the approval of the family most involved in Jackie’s life, I think it’s good.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]In 2007 it was Jones, Cliff Floyd, Derrek Lee and Darryle Ward. Did they start this in 2006?[/quote]
Looks like the practice started in 2007. For some reason, I thought it was limited to one player per team at first, but I was wrong.
PerkinsQuote Reply
Holy Ben Zobrist.
Turned around a Joe Nathan heater to tie the game in the bottom of the 9th. Rays have scored 14 runs in the 9th this year.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Nathan’s thrown 5 pitches in the 9th. One left the park, the next four walked Upton.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Howie Kendrick is making some fantasy owners happy
fight2winQuote Reply
Complete disaster. Nathan’s next pitch goes to the backstop.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=fight2win]On LeMahieu- His size and lankiness to me says that if he puts on a little muscle he could add some serious power to his high contact swing. Other than the obvious choices of Brett Jackson and Josh Vitters, LeMahieu is a guy i believe will surprise people. Definite darkhorse prospect in my opinion.[/quote]He is a big guy, but quite thin. If he can put on some weight I think he might be able to handle it. He’s 6-4 or 6-5, isn’t he? He’s also only 22 and already in AA.
Vitters has 3 walks and 2 K’s so far. It would be awesome if he figured out how to take some pitches.
mb21Quote Reply
Nathan walks Kotchman. His 9th so far:
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Near TOOTBLAN for Upton. (dying laughing) Almost picked off 2B by the catcher.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Nathan yanked. That was about as bad a blown save as I’ve ever seen. Nathan had nothing.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]
As long as it was done with the approval of the family most involved in Jackie’s life, I think it’s good.[/quote]
That’s a good point, I do think his family’s wishes should be given the most consideration.
melissaQuote Reply
Yeah he’s absolutely huge for SS.
Vitters might just be the second coming of Kevin Kouzmanoff.
fight2winQuote Reply
Rays win! Epic bedshitting in the 9th by the Twins.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Juan Pierre is fucking killing my net stolen bases.
GBTSQuote Reply
Why the heck does this page refresh when I pinch to zoom on Safari/OSX Lion. No wonder this blog is discredited (dying laughing)
cubsfan4lifeQuote Reply
Carlos Santana is hitless in his last 27 at bats.
GBTSQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]More likely it would Ryan Flaherty who is raking so far this year or at least last time I checked.[/quote]
Flaherty has gone deep twice already tonight.
On a side note, did everyone know here that Chris Archer’s new team is the Montgomery Biscuits? I was not aware there was a professional baseball team named after a baked good. Archer is off to a shaky start, including getting roughed up by his former fellow Smokies.
Chris DickersonQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]Carlos Santana is hitless in his last 27 at bats.[/quote]That’s Ryno-esque.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=cubsfan4life]Why the heck does this page refresh when I pinch to zoom on Safari/OSX Lion. No wonder this blog is discredited (dying laughing)[/quote]I have Snow Leopard and don’t have a problem in firefox. I’ve had problems with pinch zoom in Safari, but on all sites.
Have you checked your preferences?
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I have Snow Leopard and don’t have a problem in firefox. I’ve had problems with pinch zoom in Safari, but on all sites.
Have you checked your preferences?[/quote]I just noticed this MB. It’s not happening on other sites or at least on the 3-4 sites that I checked. I don’t think I saw this behavior on Snow Leopard. May be there is a JS event on this page that doesn’t sit well with the gestures?
It might also do with the iPadification of OSX with Lion. It’s a Developer Preview for a reason I guess.
cubsfan4lifeQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I have Snow Leopard and don’t have a problem in firefox. I’ve had problems with pinch zoom in Safari, but on all sites.
Have you checked your preferences?[/quote](dying laughing) I just read this as if I was from a recent decade like the 80s (or even 90s), and it was like some kind of cyptic Cold War spy code.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Might be JS. Check this page out:
There aren’t any comments and I know a lot of the js is from the comments. I’m also guessing it’s the Developer Preview that you have.
Is it as good as they’re advertising? When is it released to the public? I just got my first Mac about 4-5 months ago and have loved it. Any chance you can upgrade the OS from Snow Leopard to Lion? I’m not sure how that works with the Mac.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Suburban Kid](dying laughing) I just read this as if I was from a recent decade like the 80s (or even 90s), and it was like some kind of cyptic Cold War spy code.[/quote](dying laughing) I re-read it and it does sound cryptic.
mb21Quote Reply
cf4l, check this Hawkeyes site I run out as well:
They have basically the same template so I’m curious if it happens there too. Does it happen on the home page here or just the article pages?
mb21Quote Reply
Also, is there a way for you to –
cubsfan4lifeQuote Reply
The comments should load when you click on the article title and if you click refresh comment list (ajax), it should just refresh the comments and not the page. It’s not working that way for you? Have you tried firefox on the Lion?
mb21Quote Reply
This site should work with all current browsers and all operating systems. The only exception is that IE 6 and earlier can get a little goofy, but that’s because they suck.
Any new browsers or operating systems, I have no idea.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]cf4l, check this Hawkeyes site I run out as well:
They have basically the same template so I’m curious if it happens there too. Does it happen on the home page here or just the article pages?[/quote]It doesn’t happen there. It’s happening on the home page too. Sometimes when I zoom out and sometimes when I zoom in. I think it’s the attached JS. I am not exactly sure unless I do a debug.
cubsfan4lifeQuote Reply
If you can figure out exactly what it is, I can take a look to see if there’s anything I can do. Can’t guarantee anything though.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]The comments should load when you click on the article title and if you click refresh comment list (ajax), it should just refresh the comments and not the page. It’s not working that way for you? Have you tried firefox on the Lion?[/quote]
It does render the comments when an article is viewed in it’s detailed mode but I guess it fetches the article content itself on the server side and does a lazy fetch (AJAX) for all the comments. ‘Refresh comments’ does work but can we tie that click event to an automatic AJAX pull? Not a biggie, just curious.
cubsfan4lifeQuote Reply
[quote name=cubsfan4life]It does render the comments when an article is viewed in it’s detailed mode but I guess it fetches the article content itself on the server side and does a lazy fetch (AJAX) for all the comments. ‘Refresh comments’ does work but can we tie that click event to an automatic AJAX pull? Not a biggie, just curious.[/quote]
I know next to nothing about AJAX. I can send the files along to you if you wanted to take a look at them. If you find something that may work, I can upload those to a test site and we can give it a try.
I’m nervous to touch any of the ajax because I know nothing about it. Shoot me an email if you’d like to browse the files. You can scroll over Site at the top of the page and you’ll find a contact form or you can just email me at dmick89 AT gmail DOT com
mb21Quote Reply
Maybe I am g[quote name=mb21]Might be JS. Check this page out:
There aren’t any comments and I know a lot of the js is from the comments. I’m also guessing it’s the Developer Preview that you have.
Is it as good as they’re advertising? When is it released to the public? I just got my first Mac about 4-5 months ago and have loved it. Any chance you can upgrade the OS from Snow Leopard to Lion? I’m not sure how that works with the Mac.[/quote]
Some of the features are really good, like the full screen mode for apps and the ‘Mission Control’. I am not a big fan of the iPadification of OSX in general. For example they went too far with iCal and Address Book to make them look close to their iOS versions. May be it all makes sense when touch screens come to iMac and the portables. OS X lion is in developer preview right now and is only available to registered Mac developers.
Apple for sure is not the Cubs and they know their Shit. So may be it will come together at some point nicely.
cubsfan4lifeQuote Reply
Awww man, Koyie is starting.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
The Mission Control sounds like exactly what I need. I’m quite happy with Snow Leopard, but anytime something new like that comes out I always think about upgrading. I’m just not sure if you can upgrade from Snow Leopard to Lion like you can upgrade OS on a PC.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Awww man, Koyie is starting.[/quote]Can’t score negative runs
mb21Quote Reply
This lineup today is giving me a headache. At least Starlin Castro is taking some pitches.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]The Mission Control sounds like exactly what I need. I’m quite happy with Snow Leopard, but anytime something new like that comes out I always think about upgrading. I’m just not sure if you can upgrade from Snow Leopard to Lion like you can upgrade OS on a PC.[/quote]You sure will be able to upgrade to Lion.
Now, I am back on Snow Leopard and I am not seeing the same problems. For some weird reason on Safari/Lion, web pages are being refreshed every time I switch tabs just like on iPhone/iPad. They do this on the iOS devices because they are limited in RAM and hence cannot store all open web pages in memory. I am not sure why they are doing it on a desktop OS. Maybe Apple is looking at optimizing system resources. Whatever it is, it is pretty raw right now.
I will continue to monitor this and will contact you later.
cubsfan4lifeQuote Reply
Start russell or samardzija : lets see what happens
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
[quote name=bubblesdachimp]Start russell or samardzija : lets see what happens[/quote]
A basketball score may result.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Starlin Castro may get to double digit steals.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
pheww..almost forgot that there is a game today. Tuned just in time to watch Castro steal 2nd.
cubsfan4lifeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Starlin Castro may get to double digit steals.[/quote]
Uh…WTF? No steal?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Stolen base rejected for Castro! (dying laughing)
cubsfan4lifeQuote Reply
[quote name=cubsfan4life] Tuned just in time to watch Castro steal 2nd.[/quote]Or not as it turns out.
cwolfQuote Reply
Apparently that non-stolen base was Byrd’s fault.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Uh…WTF? No steal?[/quote]Byrd interfered by making contact with the catcher.
cubsfan4lifeQuote Reply
[quote name=cubsfan4life]You sure will be able to upgrade to Lion.
Now, I am back on Snow Leopard and I am not seeing the same problems. For some weird reason on Safari/Lion, web pages are being refreshed every time I switch tabs just like on iPhone/iPad. They do this on the iOS devices because they are limited in RAM and hence cannot store all open web pages in memory. I am not sure why they are doing it on a desktop OS. Maybe Apple is looking at optimizing system resources. Whatever it is, it is pretty raw right now.
I will continue to monitor this and will contact you later.[/quote]Thanks. There’s no way they can keep it like that on a desktop, is there? That would kind of suck.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Apparently that non-stolen base was Byrd’s fault.[/quote]Batter interference apparently.
cwolfQuote Reply
Hard out.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I thought the game started at 7:40. Oh well. No game thread tonight.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Thanks. There’s no way they can keep it like that on a desktop, is there? That would kind of suck.[/quote]I don’t think so, unless Apple wants to go back to the 1990s with Desktops running on massive 32 MB RAM chips (dying laughing). I think they are just trying different things.
cubsfan4lifeQuote Reply
A double ny starlin would be nice or a long ball
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
Kosuke is in the lineup but not leading off against RHP because Castro is very good at sports.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I thought the game started at 7:40. Oh well. No game thread tonight.[/quote]I was sure it started at 7:20 but happened to flip to WGN a little early so I only missed Castro’s AB. ??
cwolfQuote Reply
Good cover by Coleman there.
Maybe James Russell should talk to Garza and Coleman about how to properly cover first base.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Good D all around on that play.
cwolfQuote Reply
Wow, Coors seems to get bigger every year. They can play two split squad games simultaneously there and be done with it
cubsfan4lifeQuote Reply
Soriano lazily drives in the first Cub run of the series.
cwolfQuote Reply
I like Kosuke’s AB here.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Good at bat by kosuke
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
Koyie is 3-for-3 against Hammel (dying laughing) (dying laughing) (dying laughing)
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Not a real good running decision by Soriano there.
cwolfQuote Reply
Soriano taking a page from the Theriot’s school of base running
cubsfan4lifeQuote Reply
uhhh soriano
dylanjQuote Reply
tulo bats to Justin Bieber. (dying laughing)
dylanjQuote Reply
Yikes…nice try by Kosuke.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=cubsfan4life]Soriano taking a page from the Theriot’s school of base running[/quote]Which was learned at Moises Alou’s Academy for Better Baserunning Techniques
mb21Quote Reply
I thought April snagged that one.
cwolfQuote Reply
[quote name=cwolf]I thought April snagged that one.[/quote]
The non-brick wall jarred it loose.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
What do you expect the cost of the upgrade to Lion will be?
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]What do you expect the cost of the upgrade to Lion will be?[/quote]
Apple is taking it easy on software. $29.99 might not be a bad bet like it was for Snow Leopard upgrade from Leopard.
cubsfan4lifeQuote Reply
That’s about what I was figuring. You’ll have to let me know how it progresses. I’m excited about. Snow Leopard is an excellent OS, but Lion looks like it’s going to have the few things I’m really wanting, but can’t do right now.
mb21Quote Reply
Starlin Castro is good at sports. Line drive machine.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Cubs are putting a lot of good swings on this guy so far.
cwolfQuote Reply
Did you guys see this?
Maybe we can get more people in on this and make Quade try Kosuke-Soto up top.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]That’s about what I was figuring. You’ll have to let me know how it progresses. I’m excited about. Snow Leopard is an excellent OS, but Lion looks like it’s going to have the few things I’m really wanting, but can’t do right now.[/quote]Sure, it will be a very good upgrade. Most probably we will get another big preview/release during WWDC in June.
cubsfan4lifeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Did you guys see this?
Maybe we can get more people in on this and make Quade try Kosuke-Soto up top.[/quote]I saw that earlier, RC. Kind of cool. The Cubs would probably let a Yellon-type make the line-up and Reed Fucking Johnson would be leading off and Kerry Wood would be the SP. (dying laughing)
cwolfQuote Reply
[quote name=cwolf]I saw that earlier, RC. Kind of cool. The Cubs would probably let a Yellon-type make the line-up and Reed Fucking Johnson would be leading off and Kerry Wood would be the SP. (dying laughing)[/quote]
Well, at least I’d be amused.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=cubsfan4life]Sure, it will be a very good upgrade. Most probably we will get another big preview/release during WWDC in June.[/quote]Do you work for Apple?
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Do you work for Apple?[/quote](dying laughing), no. If I were I would have gotten a call from Apple lawyers by now.
cubsfan4lifeQuote Reply
Pena is pretty bad so far
dylanjQuote Reply
[quote name=cubsfan4life](dying laughing), no. If I were I would have gotten a call from Apple lawyers by now.[/quote]They’d probably have shut this site down until the comments were removed.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=dylanj]Pena is pretty bad so far[/quote]It’s early of course, but there’s always a chance a corner infielder his age just falls off a cliff like he did last year. There was a chance that he was as bad as his 2010 season. He’s probably not, but it’s not that uncommon for 1st baseman his age to just disappear.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]They’d probably have shut this site down until the comments were removed.[/quote]By Steve Jobs personally (dying laughing). Sometimes I wonder what if he owned the Cubs.
BCB: Are you the owner?
SJ: Are you a virgin?
cubsfan4lifeQuote Reply
Coleman is not disappointing me today.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
coleman isnt going to get out jams all night. we need some runs
dylanjQuote Reply
[quote name=dylanj]coleman isnt going to get out jams all night. we need some runs[/quote]You can replace Coleman with Dempster, Zambrano, Garza, Wells, Cashner, and any other Cubs starter this season and say the same thing just about every game. This offense blows.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=cubsfan4life]By Steve Jobs personally (dying laughing). Sometimes I wonder what if he owned the Cubs.
BCB: Are you the owner?
SJ: Are you a virgin?[/quote]Al would just keep finding different ways to ask him if he was the owner.
mb21Quote Reply
Koyie started this game 3-for-3 against Hammel.
Koyie is now 3-for-5 against Hammel.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Fuck yeah Casey Coleman.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
It’s just fun watching Starlin Castro play baseball.
mb21Quote Reply
castro is just sick
dylanjQuote Reply
how will we manage to fail to score?
I vote wimpy pop up from Barney. A walk to Byrd and then a 1 pitch out to Aramis
dylanjQuote Reply
5 3-hit games for Castro. This is just the 14th game of the season. (dying laughing)
mb21Quote Reply
thats just crazy.
dylanjQuote Reply
Casey Coleman scoffs at the DH.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
(dying laughing) Brenly praises Barney for being good at getting tagged.
GBTSQuote Reply
fucking koyie hill
dylanjQuote Reply
Thanks for the foulout, Tulo!
Rice CubeQuote Reply
what a break for us
dylanjQuote Reply
Casey Coleman is a likable player.
AndCountingQuote Reply
Oh shit, Rami turned so fast to first that I thought he was going to charge the mound.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Ump hesitated on that out call at first. Usually don’t see them double clutch on a close play like that.
AndCountingQuote Reply
He will still be booed on Monday.
GBTSQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]He will still be booed on Monday.[/quote]It’s a Way of (L)ife.
cwolfQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]He will still be booed on Monday.[/quote]As well he should. Just another selfish solo shot.
AndCountingQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]He will still be booed on Monday.[/quote]
I will cheer him on Tuesday.
Weather permitting.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]He will still be booed on Monday.[/quote]and on Tuesday Tuesday
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=AndCounting]As well he should. Just another selfish solo shot.[/quote]I know. Why didn’t he hit a 3-run home run there? That’s bullshit.
mb21Quote Reply
Failpen time?
ZappBranniganQuote Reply
I’m predicting Marshall blows this one
mb21Quote Reply
Nice kick save.
AndCountingQuote Reply
It’s nice to have a good fielding pitcher. I hope this game today is indicative of his true ability and not just silly luck.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
(rubs eyes)
what’s this? an entirely situationally appropriate call to the pen?
GWQuote Reply
Wait- was it Marshall or Russell? I’m not watching, (I’m writing a dissertation chapter-really!) but Gameday says Russell. Also, it lists Russell’s out pitch as N/A.
UrkQuote Reply
GBTSQuote Reply
only way KHill can get on base..
Horny GoatQuote Reply
rofl Hill is going to get so much praise for that
ZappBranniganQuote Reply
Horny GoatQuote Reply
[quote name=ZappBrannigan]rofl Hill is going to get so much praise for that[/quote]
he should. like I said above
Horny GoatQuote Reply
dylanjQuote Reply
Fuck yeah, Starlin Castro!
AndCountingQuote Reply
It’s too bad Alcides Escobar is the most exiting player in baseball because Starlin Castro would be otherwise.
mb21Quote Reply
Jesus fucking Christ that ball got fucked up.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
4-4 with a 3 run dinger!!!!
Horny GoatQuote Reply
ZappBranniganQuote Reply
Ha ha Hill’s bunt now even funnier
fang2415Quote Reply
1 andcounting
GWQuote Reply
the 1-2 energy punch!
Horny GoatQuote Reply
What a badass
ZappBranniganQuote Reply
just think of what we were doing at 21. Then think about how good Castro is.
Then cry
dylanjQuote Reply
[quote name=GW]1 andcounting[/quote]Just 24 to go. (dying laughing)
AndCountingQuote Reply
Did they just high-five Byrd in the dugout for grounding out?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
break up the Cubs! .500 again!
Horny GoatQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Did they just high-five Byrd in the dugout for grounding out?[/quote]
Horny GoatQuote Reply
[quote name=Horny Goat]chemistry[/quote]
UrkQuote Reply
Castro only a triple away from the cycle (dying laughing)
ZappBranniganQuote Reply
[quote name=ZappBrannigan]Castro only a triple away from the cycle (dying laughing)[/quote]
He can stop at third base after the next home run.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=ZappBrannigan]Castro only a triple away from the cycle (dying laughing)[/quote]
thanks Len.
Horny GoatQuote Reply
I guess Marshall needs some work tonight.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
You’re welcome, Bob.
ZappBranniganQuote Reply
maybe Pena can hit a HR for once?
Horny GoatQuote Reply
[quote name=Horny Goat]maybe Pena can hit a HR for once?[/quote]
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=AndCounting]Just 24 to go. (dying laughing)[/quote]Maybe he hits 20 in June like Sosa in ’98.
mb21Quote Reply
Soriano tied Cecil Fielder for 107th all time HRs.
Horny GoatQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Maybe he hits 20 in June like Sosa in ’98.[/quote]
I’ll go with 19.
Horny GoatQuote Reply
[quote name=Horny Goat]Soriano tied Cecil Fielder for 107th all time HRs.[/quote]
Pretty good for someone half Cecil’s size.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Is Hill capable of hitting the ball out of the infield?
ZappBranniganQuote Reply
[quote name=ZappBrannigan]Is Hill capable of hitting the ball out of the infield?[/quote]
Yes, but only for outs.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Pretty good for someone half Cecil’s size.[/quote]
319. HRs that is.
Horny GoatQuote Reply
Colvin’s in! Hit it to RF!
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Meaningless stat: Derek Jeter got his fourth 4-hit game in the 257th game of his career. Starlin Castro did in the 139th game of his career.
mb21Quote Reply
I went to the Huskers spring game today. Lotta new freshmen speedster playmakers ready to see action. Look out Big Ten!
Horny GoatQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Meaningless stat: Derek Jeter got his fourth 4-hit game in the 257th game of his career. Starlin Castro did in the 139th game of his career.[/quote]
HOF here we come.
Horny GoatQuote Reply
I like Marshall’s curveball.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]I like Marshall’s curveball.[/quote]
nice little pitcher.
Horny GoatQuote Reply
[quote name=Horny Goat]I went to the Huskers spring game today. Lotta new freshmen speedster playmakers ready to see action. Look out Big Ten![/quote]
OK, who flagged me on that? (dying laughing)
Horny GoatQuote Reply
Colvin is really making me wonder
Horny GoatQuote Reply
AndCountingQuote Reply
Barney is a nice little player
Horny GoatQuote Reply
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Another scrappy double
ZappBranniganQuote Reply
[quote name=ZappBrannigan]Another scrappy double[/quote]Bob loved it. Just loved it. LOVED IT!
mb21Quote Reply
Who’s gonna finish this game?
Horny GoatQuote Reply
How long before they stop hitting Byrd third? I know #3 spot isn’t all that big of a deal but he’s really killing the conga line.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Well that was a pointless double-switch.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Bob loved it. Just loved it. LOVED IT![/quote]
BJ Photoshop time. Sub Barney for Theriot.
Horny GoatQuote Reply
Bob Brenly has a new mancrush.
Also, Bob Brenly likes shitty players.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]How long before they stop hitting Byrd third? I know #3 spot isn’t all that big of a deal but he’s really killing the conga line.[/quote]
Maybe put Soriano there.
Horny GoatQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Bob Brenly has a new mancrush.
Also, Bob Brenly likes shitty players.[/quote]
He can relate.
Horny GoatQuote Reply
Starlin Castro asked me to drop this off to KG. Can someone see that he gets it:

Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
MArcus Mateo time.
Horny GoatQuote Reply
[quote name=Horny Goat]He can relate.[/quote]Indeed.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
lime…very nice garnish
Horny GoatQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Well that was a pointless double-switch.[/quote]
I question Mike Quade yet again.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Why are they wasting Kerry Wood with a 5-run lead?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Why are they wasting Kerry Wood with a 5-run lead?[/quote]Because John Grabow is still on the roster. No lead is safe with that clown pitching
cubsfan4lifeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]I question Mike Quade yet again.[/quote]He manages like someone who thinks he knows what he is doing, but in fact does not.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
just think of what we were doing at 32. Then think about how good Grabow is.
Then smile.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=cubsfan4life]Because John Grabow is still on the roster. No lead is safe with that clown pitching[/quote]
I understand that but there’s like a 95% chance Grabow won’t give it all back, so it just seems like unnecessary wear and tear on Wood.
Seems like if they’re warming him up, Wood will pitch the 9th anyway.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Wood is in? Gameday sez it’s Grabow. And no, I don’t have the audio.
anyway, Grabow make me nervous even with a 5 run lead.
UrkQuote Reply
I don’t know. A 7-run lead is exactly when you use John Grabow. I’d say that was good thinking by Quade.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Urk]Wood is in? Gameday sez it’s Grabow. And no, I don’t have the audio.
anyway, Grabow make me nervous even with a 5 run lead.[/quote]
Urk, Wood is in the bullpen and he’s about to come in.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Wood is coming in now.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=cubsfan4life]Because John Grabow is making too much money no matter the suckage[/quote]
Horny GoatQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]just think of what we were doing at 32. Then think about how good Grabow is.
Then smile.[/quote](dying laughing)
cubsfan4lifeQuote Reply
oh, got it. Wood is warming up. Well, it hardly seems like 95% that Grabow doesn’t blow this. Seems more like the other way around.
UrkQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I don’t know. A 7-run lead is exactly when you use John Grabow. I’d say that was good thinking by Quade.[/quote]
Q used Marshall (who probably needed the work) before Grabow came in. Now Wood is in to protect a five run lead.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I know a lot of scouts think that’s where he ends up, but it seems to me you do not make such changes until you have to. Either you need the 3B spot for someone who can stick there or you wait until AAA at the earliest. It’s not like it’s hard to learn first base.[/quote]
I know it must seem like I’m just trying to argue with you, but I’m really not. It’s interesting, coming into this year a lot of scouts have said they think he has improved enough to where he can actually stick at 3B. He may never be good, but they think he can probably manage to be an average defensive 3B.
The reason he’s been playing some 1B is because the Cubs system has such a massive logjam at SS/2B/3B. I mean, DJ, Gonzalez, Vitters, Flaherty are all in AA alone and Vitters is the only one that can’t play all three. So those guys rotate around and in order to get all four of them enough AB’s Vitters slides over to 1B sometimes.
We have the same problem down in all our A clubs too, with Cerda, Lake, A guy whose name I couldn’t begin to spell right, along with a couple other decent, but unspectacular guys.
Basically, there is just no way to give all the infielders we have time without letting Vitters see some time at 1B, because we obviously want him in the lineup absolutely every game.
EDIT: For the record I can produce the quotes of specific scouts that have said that. I’m just too lazy at this exact second unless it’s by request.
DoogolasQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I don’t know. A 7-run lead is exactly when you use John Grabow. I’d say that was good thinking by Quade.[/quote]
until it gets closer to blowing it.
Horny GoatQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Starlin Castro asked me to drop this off to KG. Can someone see that he gets it:
[/quote]Someone asked KG on twitter who he thought had the brighter future, Elvis Andrus or Castro, and he did have the sense to answer Castro.
AndCountingQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I don’t know. A 7-run lead is exactly when you use John Grabow. I’d say that was good thinking by Quade.[/quote]True and a 7 run lead is exactly where you don’t walk hitters on four straight pitches. It’s a way of [L]ife.
cubsfan4lifeQuote Reply
[quote name=AndCounting]Someone asked KG on twitter who he thought had the brighter future, Elvis Andrus or Castro, and he did have the sense to answer Castro.[/quote]Yeah, I shouldn’t beat up on him so bad. But he went to great lengths to chat up Escobar and denigrate Castro.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
I believe you, Doogolas and I don’t think you’re just trying to argue. I vaguely remember some of those quotes as well. Good point about having the others who can rotate around the diamond. Hadn’t thought about that.
mb21Quote Reply
Kerry Wood is really going to put our “Cub fans will never turn on Wood” theory to the test this season.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=cubsfan4life]True and a 7 run lead is exactly where you don’t walk hitters on four straight pitches. It’s a way of [L]ife.[/quote](dying laughing) yeah, but when you have a bullpen full of guys who can’t throw strikes that’s going to happen.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Kerry Wood is really going to put our “Cub fans will never turn on Wood” theory to the test this season.[/quote]
which cubs fans? (dying laughing)
Horny GoatQuote Reply
I’d be more concerned about our bullpen’s workload if most of them didn’t suck
ZappBranniganQuote Reply
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I don’t know. A 7-run lead is exactly when you use John Grabow. I’d say that was good thinking by Quade.[/quote]
Actually, I think when you need something to keep a small boat from drifting around the lake is exactly when you use John Grabow. Oh, but you meant baseball? And he’s already on the team? In that case, yeah.
UrkQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I believe you, Doogolas and I don’t think you’re just trying to argue. I vaguely remember some of those quotes as well. Good point about having the others who can rotate around the diamond. Hadn’t thought about that.[/quote]K, I was just trying to make sure I said that. Cause I feel like half of my comments lately have been in disagreement with you haha.
But yeah, I’ve been paying super, super close attention to the minors the last year and a half. I watch the gamedays, read recaps. Check all the box scores and read scouting reports.
And seriously, it’s INSANE the amount of rotatable infielders we have. I’m still annoyed at DJ LeMahieu because he can’t hit righties (though he’s actually OPSing over .700 this year against them!) and I really feel they might as well pay him at 1B and let Vitters get in full time there. But the Cubs won’t do that because they really believe he can figure it out vs RHP when he starts hitting more balls in the air and therefore starts getting some extra base hits.
Either way, I’m super excited about our farm. Our AA team has so much talent on it right now it’s unbelievable. And the best part is they’re all producing (even the still 21 year old Vitters!) and it gives me a LOT of hope for next year.
Would be so sexy 1-2-3.
DoogolasQuote Reply
It pisses me off Scott Maine is in the minors while Grabow AND Russell are on the MLB team.
DoogolasQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]*Sigh*
mb21Quote Reply
I understand that part of it is because our bullpen sucks, but having to deplete the bullpen even with a seven (now five) run lead seems kind of stupid to me.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
In other John Grabow news, John Gaub has now struck out 12 in 7.1 IP @ Iowa (he has also walked 4).
When Tom Ricketts says he wants the Cubs to have the best roster possible regardless of salary, it seems you could shake a tree and find a better LHP than Grabow.
Chris DickersonQuote Reply
This ump is a douche. He’s calling all the low ones now.
DoogolasQuote Reply
I can’t stop watching that gif
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Doogolas]It pisses me off Scott Maine is in the minors while Grabow AND Russell are on the MLB team.[/quote]I’m more pissed that Quade thinks Russell or F7 should be starting games.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Stupid lazy Latin. Get off the team.
DoogolasQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]I’m more pissed that Quade thinks Russell or F7 should be starting games.[/quote]
Or Barney hitting second. *sigh*
DoogolasQuote Reply
I want Reed to get a hit so Castro can come up again. 🙁
DoogolasQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I can’t stop watching that gif[/quote]It’s insane. That slurve he had is still the filthiest pitch I have ever seen leave a pitchers hand, followed closely by the knuckle-curve Harden used to throw before his arm fell apart.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Hell yeah. Here comes Derrick Rose in baseball form!
Or Keith Bogans in baseball form. Whatever.
DoogolasQuote Reply
[quote name=Doogolas]Or Barney hitting second. *sigh*[/quote]Or Soto hitting 8th.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]It’s insane. That slurve he had is still the filthiest pitch I have ever seen leave a pitchers hand, followed closely by the knuckle-curve Harden used to throw before his arm fell apart.[/quote]
Marmol’s slider looks like that sometimes. Watch his K on Manny from last year. It moved EXACTLY like that.
DoogolasQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]I’m more pissed that Quade thinks Russell or F7 should be starting games.[/quote]
did Quade say F7 might be starting? I thought there was no chance of that.
Horny GoatQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Or Soto hitting 8th.[/quote]
And Byrd hitting third.
God damn it. There are so many ways you can make this lineup better and Quade just refuses to do ANY of them.
DoogolasQuote Reply
[quote name=Horny Goat]did Quade say F7 might be starting? I thought there was no chance of that.[/quote]
Word on the street is that one of Russell or F7 would start on Tuesday. I can’t wait.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Horny Goat]did Quade say F7 might be starting? I thought there was no chance of that.[/quote]I believe he did.
Honestly I’d prefer it over Russell. Shark at least has potential if he ever figures out what “control” means. And if he happens to have it for a game, then we might win.
Russell just sucks. Period.
DoogolasQuote Reply
(dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
ZappBranniganQuote Reply
[quote name=Doogolas]Or Barney hitting second. *sigh*[/quote]
so far it’s working. hot hand… Lou always did that. As soon as he cools off you’ll see someone else there… I hope.
Horny GoatQuote Reply
[quote name=Horny Goat]did Quade say F7 might be starting? I thought there was no chance of that.[/quote]He’s seeing what happens.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Doogolas]And Byrd hitting third.
God damn it. There are so many ways you can make this lineup better and Quade just refuses to do ANY of them.[/quote]I really think he’s in waaaaay over his head.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Word on the street is that one of Russell or F7 would start on Tuesday. I can’t wait.[/quote]
great. He may set the record for walks in the 1st inning. EVER.
Horny GoatQuote Reply
Anyone else see Hill’s little leg kick?
ZappBranniganQuote Reply
I like how Colvin is a defensive replacement for a better defender.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Horny Goat]so far it’s working. hot hand… Lou always did that. As soon as he cools off you’ll see someone else there… I hope.[/quote]
I hope so too. But I’m just not sure anymore. The little bastard may have cemented his spot there.
If he flipped Castro with Barney, then Barney with Fukudome/Baker and then Byrd with Soriano. The lineup would be beautiful.
DoogolasQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]I really think he’s in waaaaay over his head.[/quote]
Sandberg likely would be also.
Horny GoatQuote Reply
I know Marmol hasn’t thrown in 2 days, but I really hate the closer in for the non-save situation.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]I like how Colvin is a defensive replacement for a better defender.[/quote]
He pinch hit and they did a double switch.
DoogolasQuote Reply
[quote name=Horny Goat]Sandberg likely would be also.[/quote]Oh, yeah. I wasn’t a pro-Sandberg guy, at all.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]I know Marmol hasn’t thrown in 2 days, but I really hate the closer in for the non-save situation.[/quote]
I just hate the Closer. I much prefer him just be used in the high leverage situations, if that happens to mean he closes out a game so be it. But it shouldn’t strictly be that.
DoogolasQuote Reply
[quote name=Doogolas]He pinch hit and they did a double switch.[/quote]
It was a stupid double switch. They only used Marshall for one inning.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Doogolas]He pinch hit and they did a double switch.[/quote]Yeah, I saw that. Just seemed like a dumb move, and it makes it look even stupider when you bring in Reed as a DefRep for Sori, because you already weakened the OF D by switching Colvin for Fukudome.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
I think they did it just to let Fukudome rest for a few innings.
DoogolasQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Yeah, I saw that. Just seemed like a dumb move, and it makes it look even stupider when you bring in Reed as a DefRep for Sori, because you already weakened the OF D by switching Colvin for Fukudome.[/quote]But Reed is a great fielder and Soriano sucks.
DoogolasQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]I know Marmol hasn’t thrown in 2 days, but I really hate the closer in for the non-save situation.[/quote]
Well, maybe he can give up a couple of runs and make this a better decision on Quade’s part, retroactively.
UrkQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]It was a stupid double switch. They only used Marshall for one inning.[/quote]Yeah. Over-managing. I think we’re going to see a lot of that out of Baldy McGrindy.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Doogolas]But Reed is a great fielder and Soriano sucks.
*eyeroll*[/quote][quote name=Urk]Well, maybe he can give up a couple of runs and make this a better decision on Quade’s part, retroactively.[/quote](dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Alright, I’m off to get my growler of Oakshire Heart-Shaped Box. You all enjoy yourselves on this fine evening.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Marmol hasn’t pitched the previous 2 days and the 2 days before that, and it’s low stress. I don’t have a problem with it.
Horny GoatQuote Reply
Rollercoaster ride continues.
DoogolasQuote Reply
[quote name=Doogolas]Rollercoaster ride continues.[/quote]
Let’s see what happens.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Urk]Well, maybe he can give up a couple of runs and make this a better decision on Quade’s part, retroactively.[/quote]
Or not! Yay!
UrkQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Let’s see what happens.[/quote](dying laughing) nice.
DoogolasQuote Reply
Yellon calling for Coleman to be the Jason Marquis of the team after Coleman hits a lone single in a game: a mediocre to shitty pitcher who can bat and run slightly better than other pitchers. Yellon should be the next manager.
Recalcitrant Blogger NateQuote Reply
This Starlin Castro kid is going to be pretty good.
BerseliusQuote Reply
BerseliusQuote Reply