Rice and Berselius hang out to basically kill half an hour talking about the Cubs, Trey Mancini’s shitty defense, some stuff about wildfires and the CBA, and wish everyone a fun Fourth of July as we prepare for the All-Star break and the trade deadline.
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Domingo German–> perfect game
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Tonight’s lineup, guess Seiya is borked again
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Just letting you all know my dad passed away on Sunday. If I’ve been weird and saying positive things about Madrigal or some shit, that’s probably why.
andcountingQuote Reply
Sorry to hear, AC. Thoughts to you and yours.
berseliusQuote Reply
Condolences 🙁
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Hey now, here’s some All-Stars
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Would be best to call for the types of pitches that don’t result in extra base hits
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I think we can be mad at Madrigal for whatever the hell that was
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Sorry to hear it, AC.
PerkinsQuote Reply
Between the stupid bunts and the stupid luck this game is already extra stupid
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Madrigal and Ross, you stupid bunting sacks of shit.
andcountingQuote Reply
I just realized German had 99 pitches, ain’t a problem with one.
andcountingQuote Reply
If you got baserunners, I feel bad for you, son…
andcountingQuote Reply
It was a perfect Maddux.
PerkinsQuote Reply
I recently started playing this game and am loving it. Today’s even has Cubs!
PerkinsQuote Reply
The Cubs probably should have at least tied this game but lack of clutch continues to loom its ugly head
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Brewers did not lose but at least the Cardinals got football scored
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Pretty quick sweep, only 2:11
Rice CubeQuote Reply
For what it’s worth, the Madrigal bunt was probably his hardest hit ball of the game.
andcountingQuote Reply
So how much of this is coaching and how much is player brain dart, despite what Ross says here?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
What’s the difference, really? Isn’t establishing player mindset one of the key functions of a coach?
andcountingQuote Reply
I just realized that it autocorrected fart to dart, but also I guess it would be good to communicate exactly how many outs there are and that bunting is generally a terrible idea
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
I mean, if someone had a dart thrown into their brain I’m not sure how coaching would help.
berseliusQuote Reply
Let’s see what happens
Rice CubeQuote Reply
The gameday app says first pitch is 3:20 ET. Is that wrong?
andcountingQuote Reply
It’s always 1:20 PM Central so they’re probably wrong?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I got destroyed on this today.
andcountingQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
I know it used to be 2:20 on Fridays BUT gameday doesn’t typically show the game as live/warmup status over an hour before first pitch. That has me confused.
andcountingQuote Reply
There was that one year they tried 3 PM starts but then they abandoned it on Fridays, not sure what happened, but the default has always been 1:20 (or 2:20 since I guess you’re in the bulk of Indiana on Eastern time)
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Morel should have bunted. (dying laughing)
andcountingQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
No, I’m central time. It was definitely 2:20 for quite a long time on Fridays. I’ll have to look it up.
andcountingQuote Reply
RC, you led me to BCB, and I shall never forgive you. But yeah, it was pretty much 2:20 on Fridays throughout the’90s and into 2004 (aka in my day).
andcountingQuote Reply
Ah, this was before I paid attention
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Run-scoring hits are a thing I recently enjoyed
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Ok, Nico.
andcountingQuote Reply
Lots of pop ups. Quantrill’s sinker isn’t sinking as much as the Cubs think it will.
andcountingQuote Reply
That left fielder reminds me that Futurama is coming back soon
Rice CubeQuote Reply
It was some sort of weird special agreement with the city, they’re restricted from doing night games on fridays and saturdays
berseliusQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
berseliusQuote Reply
Young seems to enjoy running to third.
andcountingQuote Reply
Of all the times not to tune in but alas I have stuff to do (dying laughing)
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Man, Morel crushinated that ball. At least he gets an RBI out of it.
berseliusQuote Reply
Nick Madrigal with a fuckin’ laser beam into the LF bleachers, just like you’d draw it up.
PerkinsQuote Reply
The Cubs are up 9-0, I assume I missed nothing of note up to this point.
andcountingQuote Reply
Wait what the fuck
I missed a Madrigal homer?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Oh my god
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Amazingly Madrigal had 2 homers one season with the Sox
Rice CubeQuote Reply
That was the Cubs radio home run inning, so some fan won $1600 in gift cards. I’m sure they heard their name called and saw Madrigal’s name in the “due up” list and thought, well, at least I got to hear my name read on the air.
(dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
andcountingQuote Reply
Rice CubeQuote Reply
You would think a 9-0 lead in the 7th would be a safe time to let Young face a lefty.
andcountingQuote Reply
If Trey Mancini can’t deliver in that situation, he never will, but thankfully he sacrificed for the team
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Noting that the lead is so big that David Ross was confident enough to forfeit the DH
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Cubs win in 2:36, easier to come under time if you don’t have to play a bottom of the 9th
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
andcountingQuote Reply
Let’s go Padres, ya useless mooks
Rice CubeQuote Reply
*half the season passes*
MLB marketing: come check out mlb.tv at a deeply discounted rate! at half off we’re practically giving it away!
berseliusQuote Reply
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Aroldis Chapman –> Rangers 🤷🏻♂️
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
San Diego –> absolutely useless
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
Temporarily unuseless
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
Nope definitely useless
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Cubs stay just behind Pittsburgh, which of course means Milwaukee lost, so 🤷🏻♂️
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Twitter is down so I guess we will wait to see if they fix it or else I’ll just see if I can grab the lineup off of an At-Bat app or whatever
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
I just saw a QT of E-lawn saying everybody was being limited: 6,000 daily post views for bluechecked morans and 600 for everyone else.
andcountingQuote Reply
It was far from constant scrolling, but I reached my reading limit in less than 30 real-time minutes and probably about 15 minutes of actual scrolling.
andcountingQuote Reply
Oh dang, guess I’m screwed then, hope MLBTR and BN paid up (dying laughing)
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
Oh, you can post to your heart’s content, you just can’t read anything. (dying laughing)
andcountingQuote Reply
So it’s like the opposite of BCB
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
(dying laughing)
andcountingQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
Lo(dying laughing)
berseliusQuote Reply
Found the lineup, glad everyone is relatively unbroken
Rice CubeQuote Reply
The mighty Reds have lost
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Milwaukee is up to something
Rice CubeQuote Reply
There sure seems to be a lot of lopsided games, but my favorite is Philly leading the Nats 19-4 and Washington challenging a call. Maybe just let it go, Davey.
andcountingQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
Now it’s a lesser thing
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Being that Twitter is borked I assume at some point the rain delay will be over but I know not when
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Brewers win so Cubs have a chance to retake third place
Rice CubeQuote Reply
9 PM Central start time, yay
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Well isn’t this some happy bullshit
Rice CubeQuote Reply
MLB.tv synching Pat Hughes to the broadcast is the Lord’s work
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Guess Stroman was a spectacular play away from getting a clean inning and more evidence for an extension 😬
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Power went out and it’s like a billion degrees outside so this may suck soon
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rain has shifted today’s rubber match to 4:05 Central, meanwhile I still have no power 😔
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Shame the Cubs lost yesterday since they have basically zero chance of winning on a Sunday.
PerkinsQuote Reply
Today’s lineup for the Rookie of the Year anniversary celebration because we are all #old now
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Marcus Stroman –> All-Star
Source: Marcus Stroman
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Because Taillllllon is pitching? (I’m going to keep adding L’s as they accumulate throughout the season).
andcountingQuote Reply
I honestly hope he figures it out and also makes me wonder about this front office and coaching staff sometimes that they have so much trouble on boarding generally good pitchers
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Everyone who plays NL Central rivals is useless these days
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
Justin Steele –> All-Star
Source: Adbert Alzolay
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice Cube,
And now Dansby Swanson too
Source: Stro
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Wrote some ramblings while waiting out this rain delay –> http://www.obstructedview.net/tales-of-triumph-and-regret/
Rice CubeQuote Reply