Astros | wOBA | wRC | Cubs | wOBA | wRC | |
Craig Biggio | .406 | .82 | Brant Brown | .361 | .64 | |
Derek Bell | .387 | .72 | Mickey Morandini | .349 | .58 | |
Jeff Bagwell | .422 | .83 | Sammy Sosa | .425 | .84 | |
Jack Howell | .372 | .63 | Mark race | .377 | .65 | |
Moises Alou | .419 | .77 | Henry Rodriguez | .361 | .58 | |
Dave Clard | .252 | .20 | Jeff Blauser |
.299 | .35 | |
Ricky Gutierrez | .301 | .35 | Sandy Martinez | .341 | .48 | |
Brad Ausmus | .318 | .39 | Kevin Orie |
.241 | .15 | |
Shane Reynolds | .180 | .00 | Kerry Wood |
.168 | .00 | |
4.7 | 4.3 |
Starting Pitcher | IP/GS | FIP |
Shane Reynolds | 6.00 | 3.45 |
Kerry Wood | 6.00 | 3.16 |
Bullpens | xFIP | |
Astros | 3.85 | |
Cubs | 4.55 |
Score: Astros 4.1, Cubs 3.6
Win Probability: 48.9%
is it the anniversary date?
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
Wind is blowing out to RF today. Could mean another good day for Pena.
BerseliusQuote Reply
also in case people missed it Guyer=====> Tampa
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
By the way, Guyer was called up.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
I’ve got a good feeling about Kerry Wood today.
BradleyWoodrumQuote Reply
[quote name=GBTS]Brandon Guyer —–> Up[/quote]
[quote name=Rice Cube]Wow, Brandon Guyer just got called up by the Rays.[/quote]
[quote name=bubblesdachimp]Brandon Guyer ===>>> Tampa[/quote]
Hey guys, did you hear Brandon Guyer got called up by the Tampa Bay
DevilRays?WaLi2Quote Reply
Max Ramirez====> released
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
Max Ramirez —-> released
Dunno if you guys heard, but apparently Koyie Hill has apparently won not only the backup catcher’s role, but also the starting AAA catcher’s job. Simultaneously.
BradleyWoodrumQuote Reply
I heard that Brandon Guyer is now on the Rays 25 man roster.
BerseliusQuote Reply
Wood: 9 IP, 0 H, 1 “H”, 20 K, 0 BB
Not bad.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
One of my fraternity brothers went to grade and middle school with him. One day he was flipping through my BA handbook (not a baseball guy) and looks at this guy on the Cubs and goes “WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW ABOUT BRANDON GUYER?”
I was like i dont know some guy we drafted from UVA.
He got really excited and has been following him since
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
Max Ramirez was released.
Oh, and Guyer was called up.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
are they showing the 20K game on MLB network today
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
[quote name=bubblesdachimp]One of my fraternity brothers went to grade and middle school with him.[/quote]
I really hope your frat brother and Guyer were there as guest speakers…
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]I really hope your frat brother and Guyer were there as guest speakers…[/quote]
confused i am.
Are you excited by chris culliver btw?
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
Does anyone know the status of the minor leaguers we traded to Tampa?
GWQuote Reply
[quote name=bubblesdachimp]confused i am.
Are you excited by chris culliver btw?[/quote]I think he is insuating that if they weren’t there as guest speakers, they went to middle school to “play” with little boys and girls.
Guyer is a beast.
WaLi2Quote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]Max Ramirez was released.
Oh, and Guyer was called up.[/quote]
Bin Laden ——->dead
BerseliusQuote Reply
US Astronauts ————–> Moon
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=bubblesdachimp]Are you excited by chris culliver btw?[/quote]
As an athlete, hells yes. That’s how you draw up a CB.
I haven’t watched any tape on him, so I don’t know much else about him. Can he play CB in the NFL?
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
[quote name=WaLi2]I think he is insuating that if they weren’t there as guest speakers, they went to middle school to “play” with little boys and girls.[/quote]
That’s sick.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]As an athlete, hells yes. That’s how you draw up a CB.
I haven’t watched any tape on him, so I don’t know much else about him. Can he play CB in the NFL?[/quote]
I saw every single gme he played having gone to USC. Amazing athlete. Fast as shit. Can def. play corner or safety. Might be better as a safety. Makes a bunch of boneheaded penalties.
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]That’s sick.[/quote]
Sorry I offended you.
WaLi2Quote Reply
[quote name=bubblesdachimp]I saw every single gme he played having gone to USC. Amazing athlete. Fast as shit. Can def. play corner or safety. Might be better as a safety. Makes a bunch of boneheaded penalties.[/quote]
From what little I’ve seen, he’s definitly physical and athletic. My only question is how fluid are his hips?
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
Joey Votto is really good at baseball
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]From what little I’ve seen, he’s definitly physical and athletic. My only question is how fluid are his hips?[/quote]
+1 faget point for you.
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
Nice slider to K Votto. Very efficient first inning for Garza. Perfect game?
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]From what little I’ve seen, he’s definitly physical and athletic. My only question is how fluid are his hips?[/quote]
http://www.howfluidarechrisculliver‘ ,,,,,
WaLi2Quote Reply
I suck at life.
WaLi2Quote Reply
In case anyone forgot
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
Didnt realize Volquz threw that hard.
Nice changeup to get Barney
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
[quote name=WaLi2]Hey guys, did you hear Brandon Guyer got called up by the Tampa Bay
DevilRays?[/quote]No, was he called up today?mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Brad at Cubs Stats]Also:
Max Ramirez —-> released
Dunno if you guys heard, but apparently Koyie Hill has apparently won not only the backup catcher’s role, but also the starting AAA catcher’s job. Simultaneously.[/quote]He’s impressive, Brad. I also have a source that confirms he won the starting job in AA.
mb21Quote Reply
3-0 on castro. Will He take a walk?
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
[quote name=bubblesdachimp]In case anyone forgot
130 million views. Craz–
I see my frans!
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
Didnt have a chance to take a walk
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
[quote name=bubblesdachimp]3-0 on castro. Will He take a walk?[/quote]
WaLi2Quote Reply
What’s the thoughts here on Castro batting third? Doesn’t he bat 3829895 times better at lead off?
WaLi2Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]He’s impressive, Brad. I also have a source that confirms he won the starting job in AA.[/quote]
He’s only started 3 or 4 games this year. He’s gotta keep those skills sharp so he moonlights with the I-Cubs
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=bubblesdachimp]Didnt have a chance to take a walk[/quote]
He was tryin’ ta make his mind up. Which pitch can he take?
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
Brenly really really really hates soriano
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]He was tryin’ ta make his mind up. Which pitch can he take?[/quote]
+1 faget point. Good reference
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
[quote name=bubblesdachimp]Brenly really really really hates soriano[/quote]
For what it’s worth, I’ve felt that Bob has been much less harsh on Soriano this year. His criticism on that play was pretty oblique too.
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=bubblesdachimp]Brenly really really really hates soriano[/quote]That’s racist!

WaLi2Quote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]For what it’s worth, I’ve felt that Bob has been much less harsh on Soriano this year. His criticism on that play was pretty oblique too.[/quote]I’m stuck with Brennaman and Brantley. Shudder.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Its really a mystery why anyone throws fastballs to soriano.
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]Wood: 9 IP, 0 H, 1 “H”, 20 K, 0 BB
Not bad.[/quote]
I was gonna drive up from Champaign to see that game, but it was kinda raining a bit so I decided not to. No regrets, I swear…
uncle daveQuote Reply
So if Ramirez doesnt start power hitting, i assume we decline that option. Sign Pujols have him play 3rd and Fielder for first?
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
Volquz has a straight filthy change
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
Why does its sexual orientation matter?
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=bubblesdachimp]Volquz has a straight filthy change[/quote]
This is 1998. Volquez is only 14 years old.
Woody looks good so far. Suprised there are no walks yet. (dying laughing)
LukasQuote Reply
Garza almost killed pena
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
garza has been quite efficient
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
MAtt Garza====> first major league hit
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
[quote name=bubblesdachimp]Garza almost killed pena[/quote]
Thats impossible. Pena won’t even be drafted for another month. (dying laughing)
ok I’m done now (dying laughing)
LukasQuote Reply
Brandon Phillips====> Web gem
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
that changeup is mean
dylanjQuote Reply
Hey, how did Barney just go to 2nd base like that? What’s that called? Is it legal?
MuckerQuote Reply
castro cant buy a hit right now. but he is still having decent AB’s
dylanjQuote Reply
[quote name=Muck Muckintuck]Hey, how did Barney just go to 2nd base like that? What’s that called?[/quote]
its called a stolen base
dylanjQuote Reply
Castro is in a funk
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
[quote name=dylanj]its called a stolen base[/quote]
b(dying laughing)o(dying laughing)o(dying laughing)ol Nice
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
Ill take gift runs
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
jay bruce KILLED that
dylanjQuote Reply
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
It would be nice if we had some people that could loft balls to RF…
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
Garza luck equalizing.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=WaLi2]What’s the thoughts here on Castro batting third? Doesn’t he bat 3829895 times better at lead off?[/quote]There’s not really a difference in hitting in various lineup spots as far as true talent is concerned. The better question is why the hell is Starlin Castro batting 3rd? Maybe he belongs in the top 5, but he certainly shouldn’t be hitting 3rd. For those complaining that Byrd was batting 3rd, you should be going nuts that Castro is.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=bubblesdachimp]So if Ramirez doesnt start power hitting, i assume we decline that option. Sign Pujols have him play 3rd and Fielder for first?
Amirite?[/quote]That could happen. I’m sure if you pledged a donation of $50 million per year they’d consider one of them.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Lukas]This is 1998. Volquez is only 14 years old.
Woody looks good so far. Suprised there are no walks yet. (dying laughing)[/quote](dying laughing) I don’t know what game these others are watching. Garza? Who the fuck is Garza?
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]There’s not really a difference in hitting in various lineup spots as far as true talent is concerned. The better question is why the hell is Starlin Castro batting 3rd? Maybe he belongs in the top 5, but he certainly shouldn’t be hitting 3rd. For those complaining that Byrd was batting 3rd, you should be going nuts that Castro is.[/quote]Agreed. Is there an ideal spot in the order for hitters like Castro who have speed make, good contact but don’t walk much?
MuckerQuote Reply
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
the reason i dont like castro is he doesnt get the ball in the air that much.
dylanjQuote Reply
A pena lofty swing to RF would be nice here
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
Need to get runs here
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
i should add “batting third” to the above statement on castro
dylanjQuote Reply
[quote name=Muck Muckintuck]Agreed. Is there an ideal spot in the order for hitters like Castro who have speed make, good contact but don’t walk much?[/quote]You like to have your speed guys in front of batters who hit mainly singles. A guy who can get into scoring position in front of a power hitter isn’t nearly as valuable as people think for obvious reasons. Castro really isn’t a speed guy though. He’s more the kind of guy you’d like to have hitting after a speedy player. He hits tons of singles.
Ideally you’d have him hitting after Darwin Barney, but neither should hit in the top 5 spots. You’d like more power in the 6th spot so I’d put Barney and Castro 7th and 8th vs righties. 1st and 2nd would be fine vs lefties (Barney 1st, Castro 2nd).
mb21Quote Reply
batting castro 8th vs RHP?
dylanjQuote Reply
(dying laughing) Garza hit that ball an inch.
mb21Quote Reply
based loaded nobody out = 1 run.
its a way of life
dylanjQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]You like to have your speed guys in front of batters who hit mainly singles. A guy who can get into scoring position in front of a power hitter isn’t nearly as valuable as people think for obvious reasons. Castro really isn’t a speed guy though. He’s more the kind of guy you’d like to have hitting after a speedy player. He hits tons of singles.
Ideally you’d have him hitting after Darwin Barney, but neither should hit in the top 5 spots. You’d like more power in the 6th spot so I’d put Barney and Castro 7th and 8th vs righties. 1st and 2nd would be fine vs lefties (Barney 1st, Castro 2nd).[/quote]I see. Who would bat 1, 2 against righties? Fukudome and Koyie Hill? (dying laughing)
MuckerQuote Reply
[quote name=dylanj]batting castro 8th vs RHP?[/quote]For now at least. He kind of sucks vs righties, dj. .315 career wOBA. .320 projected wOBA vs righties entering the season. .368 career vs lefties, .344 projected.
Hopefully improves and you can move him up, but for now he’s about the perfect 8 hitter for this team vs righties. He hits a ton of singles so almost any time he’s on base it will be 1st so the pitcher can move him over.
mb21Quote Reply
Fucking hate Gameday. I got so excited when I saw “In play, run(s)” for a fucking double play.
MuckerQuote Reply
[quote name=Muck Muckintuck]I see. Who would bat 1, 2 against righties? Fukudome and Koyie Hill? (dying laughing)[/quote]
I believe he is talking in a more idealogical sense, that Castro is a more prototypical bottom of the order batter against Righties, and he would rather the team didn’t suck so much that they had to bat him at the top.
XoomwaffleQuote Reply
we love to swing at pitches
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
[quote name=Muck Muckintuck]I see. Who would bat 1, 2 against righties? Fukudome and Koyie Hill? (dying laughing)[/quote]I’d have to look at the numbers to be sure. This team basically sucks vs righties so it probably doesn’t matter a whole lot. Pena is the best vs righties and Soto is next followed by Fukudome. Whoever else you put in the lineup is average to below average to terrible.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Xoomwaffle]I believe he is talking in a more idealogical sense, that Castro is a more prototypical bottom of the order batter against Righties, and he would rather the team didn’t suck so much that they had to bat him at the top.[/quote]I was going to ask that is it because the whole offense sucks. Thanks.
MuckerQuote Reply
[quote name=Xoomwaffle]I believe he is talking in a more idealogical sense, that Castro is a more prototypical bottom of the order batter against Righties, and he would rather the team didn’t suck so much that they had to bat him at the top.[/quote]Exactly. Considering the talent the Cubs have, maybe Castro hitting 2nd vs righties isn’t an awful idea. Hitting 3rd though? That’s a worse idea than hitting Marlon Byrd 3rd. Significantly worse.
mb21Quote Reply
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
walk renteria to face Votto = fail
dylanjQuote Reply
I think this is the first time I’ve seen the Cubs pitcher with less pitches than the opposing pitcher.
WaLi2Quote Reply
Not a good inning. We need some runz. But i assume we wont get them
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
Brantley is outraged that Barney didn’t bunt with runners on and first and second and no outs in like the third inning. He can’t believe the Cubs are that dumb. Every time someone gets on base for either team, he and Brennaman are calling for a bunt. (dying laughing)
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Teahren====> Starts for Braves tomorrow
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
The Cubs look uninspired
today.Suburban kidQuote Reply
(dying laughing), at Gomes’s complete lack of arm
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban Kid]The Cubs look uninspired
today.[/quote]Last year’s team would be down 5-0. Prove me wrong.
BerseliusQuote Reply
What shitty luck and an even shittier call
BerseliusQuote Reply
Fish and chips porn
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban Kid]Brantley is outraged that Barney didn’t bunt with runners on and first and second and no outs in like the third inning. He can’t believe the Cubs are that dumb. Every time someone gets on base for either team, he and Brennaman are calling for a bunt. (dying laughing)[/quote]The name of the game is bunting, SK. It’s buntball.
mb21Quote Reply
Pena is the only one who walks on this team
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
Pena is good at not swinging at crap.
AndCountingQuote Reply
Gah. Reed fucking Johnson is going to be the PH
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban Kid]The Cubs look fagets
todayall the time.[/quote].Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]Gah. Reed fucking Johnson is going to be the PH[/quote]Who else do they have?
mb21Quote Reply
If this was a video game, I’d safety squeeze right here.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]Gah. Reed fucking Johnson is going to be the PH[/quote]Reed hit a HR once before. Who else would you want to bat? I’d say Koyie but then what if Soto gets hurt, we’d be screwed!
WaLi2Quote Reply
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Who else do they have?[/quote]
I’d take dewitt or Colvin vs a RHP
BerseliusQuote Reply
I forgot they were on the team, b.
mb21Quote Reply
Reed is good at getting hit by baseballs
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
Johnson does what he does best. (dying laughing)
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Gamer. Took one for the team.
AndCountingQuote Reply
Could be a huge inning here.
UPDATE: Jinxed.
MuckerQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I forgot they were on the team, b.[/quote]
So has Quade (dying laughing)
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I forgot they were on the team, b.[/quote]Same here. (dying laughing)
Suburban kidQuote Reply
My 7-year-old: Reed Johnson almost never gets a hit, right?
I don’t know where he heard that, but the kid catches on pretty quick.
AndCountingQuote Reply
Strikeout, GIDP?
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=AndCounting]My 7-year-old: Reed Johnson almost never gets a hit, right?
I don’t know where he heard that, but the kid catches on pretty quick.[/quote]Hopefully he’s not reading OV (dying laughing)
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Who else do they have?[/quote]
This team is terrible.
XoomwaffleQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]Hopefully he’s not reading OV (dying laughing)[/quote]OV will prepare him for the real world. I’m confident if a 7-year old reads OV he’ll graduate high school at age 9.
mb21Quote Reply
Barney will come through here.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]Hopefully he’s not reading OV (dying laughing)[/quote]Sometimes he sneaks into the office in the morning. I keep tabs open like mb does, so who knows. Usually he just closes everything and goes to, but if he reads this? I don’t even want to think about it. (dying laughing)
AndCountingQuote Reply
Reverse shift on Barney
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Barney will come through here.[/quote]Don’t you like anything?
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Save us, Starlin Castro, you’re our only hope.
AndCountingQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban Kid]Strikeout, GIDP?[/quote]
You’re halfway there.
BerseliusQuote Reply
fucking barney
dylanjQuote Reply
[quote name=AndCounting]Sometimes he sneaks into the office in the morning. I keep tabs open like mb does, so who knows. Usually he just closes everything and goes to, but if he reads this? I don’t even want to think about it. (dying laughing)[/quote]
I think the worst thing that can happen is that he’ll learn the wrong spelling of faget (sic).
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=The Gumb children]fucking barney[/quote].
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
dylanjQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban Kid]Don’t you like anything?[/quote]I’m one of the most optimistic posters at OV. I like everything except the stuff I don’t like.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb],[/quote]
dylanjQuote Reply
Len, they’ve gone up that ladder all fucking day. Pay attention.
mb21Quote Reply
This team is infuriating
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
That’s what pisses me off about the Cubs announcers. I’m barely paying attention, but I’ve seen several pitches way up and out of the zone to Castro over the last week.
mb21Quote Reply
There you go, AC. The get to first slam on the breaks that you so love.
mb21Quote Reply
bases loaded nobody out and 1-2-3 up and we dont score
dylanjQuote Reply
Pitches 3 and 4 looked horrendous on gameday.
XoomwaffleQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]That’s what pisses me off about the Cubs [/quote]Why are you even a fan?
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=dylanj]bases loaded nobody out and 1-2-3 up and we dont score
pathetic[/quote]Pena, Soto and Baker at the top tomorrow?
Suburban kidQuote Reply
The Cubs are the worst bases loaded no out team in fucking history.
MuckerQuote Reply
honestly, that inning sums up being a cub fan pretty damn well
dylanjQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban Kid]Why are you even a fan?[/quote]I enjoy the scoreboard.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=bubblesdachimp]This team is predictable[/quote]
The anus is on you to change.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]There you go, AC. The get to first slam on the breaks that you so love.[/quote]Yeah. At least it wasn’t a close play. (dying laughing)
AndCountingQuote Reply
[quote name=dylanj]honestly, that inning sums up the Cubs pretty damn well[/quote]There. That last inning doesn’t sum up me. I’ve gotten further than 3rd base. (dying laughing)
mb21Quote Reply
Mateo’s god-awful posture doesn’t show up in the spreadsheet. We need to add a stat. POS.
AndCountingQuote Reply
I have a much older son AC and he reads a much worse Cubs blog.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=dylanj]I, dylanj, fixed, that is to say, altered to better reflect the true, real meaning, your comment, which you, JG, originally fixed of mine, which upset me.[/quote]
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban Kid]I have a much older son AC and he reads a much worse Cubs blog.[/quote]
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
+ 1, faget, point
dylanjQuote Reply
Is this the pitcher that Al can tell sucks just by looking at him?
MuckerQuote Reply
Load the bases with no outs: Lets see what happens
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
If Marcos Mateo was a lot better at pitching, he’d be OK.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Suburban Kid]I have a much older son AC and he reads a much worse Cubs blog.[/quote]If it’s BCB, at least he has someone there to tell him that arrogant ignorance scrubbed of profanity is a perfectly acceptable form of communication.
AndCountingQuote Reply
This home plate ump loves to call the check swings himself.
AndCountingQuote Reply
Does Marshalls delivery look different to anyone else. He looks a lot more like a low 3/4
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
[quote name=AndCounting]This home plate ump loves to call the check swings himself.[/quote]
Just wrote that at another place.. Strange
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
[quote name=bubblesdachimp]Just wrote that at another place.. Strange[/quote]It’s fine with me. Some of those calls are a complete coin flip anyway. No idea how they can really make accurate calls with the naked eye no matter who’s calling it.
AndCountingQuote Reply
That was a bullshit Strike 3.
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
It happened one time, as far as i know. He mentioned a thread where someone was going on about how every championship team has an Eckstein or Counsell, and was agreeing with it. He may be older than the young Mr. Counting, but he still has a lot to learn. (dying laughing)
Suburban kidQuote Reply
I’d love to see a player bring his iPhone in his back pocket and show the ump where the ball was on pitch trax after a bad call.
AndCountingQuote Reply
[quote name=AndCounting]I’d love to see a player bring his iPhone in his back pocket and show the ump where the ball was on pitch trax after a bad call.[/quote]I’d love to see the umpire injure himself as he ejects the player for what he would probably see as the worst thing every done on the field. (dying laughing)
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=AndCounting]I’d love to see a player bring his iPhone in his back pocket and show the ump where the ball was on pitch trax after a bad call.[/quote](dying laughing)
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Rammy should have gotten tossed their
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
[quote name=bubblesdachimp]Rammy should have gotten tossed their[/quote]There not going to toss him they’re.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
i wonder if kerry has ever pitched at wrigley on May 6th since the 20 K game
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
I don’t get it; haven’t the Cubs figured out that it’s easier to win when your pitcher(s) strike out over two thirds of the opposing team’s hitters?
PerkinsQuote Reply
[quote name=Perkins]I don’t get it; haven’t the Cubs figured out that it’s easier to win when your pitcher(s) strike out over two thirds of the opposing team’s hitters?[/quote]Or that Kerry Wood should be starting and that it’s bad strategy to get injured? So dumb.
AndCountingQuote Reply
[quote name=bubblesdachimp]i wonder if kerry has ever pitched at wrigley on May 6th since the 20 K game[/quote]
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban Kid](dying laughing)[/quote]
It would be hilarious. Managers already hate it when a coach will mention how the TV showed he was wrong. I can’t imagine how furious he’d be if someone showed them pitch f/x during an at-bat. We might actually see an umpire get ejected.
mb21Quote Reply
Also could Kerry throw one of those hellacious slurves if he wanted to?
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius][/quote]
Well done B. Well done
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]It would be hilarious. Managers already hate it when a coach will mention how the TV showed he was wrong. I can’t imagine how furious he’d be if someone showed them pitch f/x during an at-bat. We might actually see an umpire get ejected.[/quote]Milton Bradley should be the one to try it. That confrontation would produce multiple casualties.
AndCountingQuote Reply
Hey, I got called up.
Brandon GuyerQuote Reply
This umpire is really bad
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
[quote name=Brandon Guyer]Hey, I got called up.[/quote](dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
[quote name=Brandon Guyer]Hey, I got called up.[/quote]Scroll up, and check the previous thread; and, your attitude.
AndCountingQuote Reply
Bob Brenly can be annoying, but if I was a Reds fan I’d kill myself.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Bulls better win tonight or my friday will have sucked
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
Oh shit, the top of the order is up in the 9th.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
YAY kosuke?
How will the cubs fuck this up?
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
disagree with the bunt here
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
bad attempted bunting there for charles
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
[quote name=bubblesdachimp]YAY kosuke?
How will the cubs fuck this up?[/quote](dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
Suburban kidQuote Reply
That was going to be a double play anyway.
mb21Quote Reply
(dying laughing), it’s that kind of day
BerseliusQuote Reply
i think that was a double play even if Cordero doesnt catch it based on where brandon phillips was shading
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
[quote name=bubblesdachimp]bad attempted bunting there for charles[/quote]Why? He took two borderline strikes that were low and inside. Not exactly good pitches to bunt. He worked the count 2-2 and drove the ball back up the middle. I don’t have a problem with that AB at all. Barney has an excellent eye at the plate. Until two strikes there’s no reason to offer at a pitcher’s pitch.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=bubblesdachimp]i think that was a double play even if Cordero doesnt catch it based on where brandon phillips was shading[/quote]Agreed. It would have been an easy double play. About the only way it wasn’t a DP was if Kosuke stayed on first and hoped that Cordero caught it.
mb21Quote Reply
GO BUlls!!!
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Why? He took two borderline strikes that were low and inside. Not exactly good pitches to bunt. He worked the count 2-2 and drove the ball back up the middle. I don’t have a problem with that AB at all. Barney has an excellent eye at the plate. Until two strikes there’s no reason to offer at a pitcher’s pitch.[/quote]
MB i see what you are saying but if you are going up there to bunt if you get a fastball like that you have to attempt it. If not on the first one but def. the second one. I dont think he should have bunted to begin with. But what do i know
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
I don’t think you change your approach if you’re bunting. You still look for a good pitch. I trust Barney’s ability there. He’s a good bunter and it was a tough pitch. If he didn’t think it was worthy of waiving at, I’m OK with that. It worked out. He drilled a pitch back up the middle. It just didn’t work out in the way we wanted.
mb21Quote Reply
Bases Loaded, No Outs…
…Let’s See What Happens
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Bases Loaded, No Outs Equals No Runs: It’s A Way of Life
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Ugh what a waste of an afternoon
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply–20110505,0,1589903.story
Someone might want to check the math here. Sullivan did it.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
Did he sell the domain to someone else?
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Did you guys hear Guyer was called up?
Aisle424Quote Reply
Also, apparently there was a covert assassination. I’ll never forget where I was when Kennedy was shot.
Aisle424Quote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]–20110505,0,1589903.story
Someone might want to check the math here. Sullivan did it.[/quote]
I got 2.
Aisle424Quote Reply
Or 288.
Aisle424Quote Reply
Brandon Guyer is white??
GBTSQuote Reply
Aisle 424 out to AT&T Park, fuckfaces!
Aisle424Quote Reply
Guyer=====> Homerun first MLB AB
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
Junior Lake if he could take a walk or had a defensive position would be rather impressive. I would like to see him bumped to AA in June
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
[quote name=bubblesdachimp]Guyer=====> Homerun first MLB AB[/quote]
He got called up?
GWQuote Reply
[quote name=bubblesdachimp]Junior Lake if he could take a walk or had a defensive position would be rather impressive. I would like to see him bumped to AA in June[/quote]I’d like to see him learn how to get on base first. I’d also like to see the Cubs send Vitters back to Daytona to learn how to get on base.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=GW]He got called up?[/quote]I think someone mentioned that here earlier today. I can’t remember for sure.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Aisle424]Aisle 424 out to AT&T Park, fuckfaces![/quote]
Nice little ballpark.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I’d like to see him learn how to get on base first. I’d also like to see the Cubs send Vitters back to Daytona to learn how to get on base.[/quote]
No reason to send Vitters back to Daytona. He is what he is. The best thing for him is to see good pitching.
I might be crazy
Hosmer 0-0 2BB 1 SB
Obviously not a cub
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
I disagree about Vitters. You have to have benchmarks along the way. He is what he is isn’t an acceptable answer for him being in AA. He has enough power to make up for his lack of walks is one. His defense is ridiculously good is another. His inability to get on base makes him useless. He’s not a power hitter. He’s not gifted defensively. His only path to the big leagues is hitting well enough to make up for all of that and that means he’ll have to get on base. He’s overmatched at AA.
mb21Quote Reply
I also disagree the best thing for him is to see good pitching. If that was true, they should call him up to the big leagues. The best thing for Vitters is learning what the strikezone is against pitching that isn’t overwhelming him.
mb21Quote Reply
I’m not completely opposed to sending Vitters to Low-A either. In fact, it may be what would be best for him. Put him in a league where he is actually superior to the pitching. Make him take some walks. If he can’t take walks against pitching he’s superior to, he’s a lost cause.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I’m not completely opposed to sending Vitters to Low-A either. In fact, it may be what would be best for him. Put him in a league where he is actually superior to the pitching. Make him take some walks. If he can’t take walks against pitching he’s superior to, he’s a lost cause.[/quote]
I think he would swing even more if sent there..
bubblesdachimpQuote Reply
perfecto and no-hitter now gone for STL Garcia in the 8th.
Horny GoatQuote Reply
still can’t believe the cubs lost today, but then I been watching shit like that all my life (dying laughing)
Horny GoatQuote Reply
That’s the thing, bubs. You don’t promote him again until he starts taking pitches. Either you learn he has no chance at an MLB career and then you just try to get something out of him in some way or you give up entirely. He has no chance if he swings like he does. Something has to be done.
mb21Quote Reply
cubs should turn him into a slap-hitter. it just might work.
anybody catch Bill James on Colbert last night?
Horny GoatQuote Reply
“I knew it wouldn’t be happening,” Lowe said of a possible no-hitter. “I knew it would come to an abrupt end. I’m disappointed in my skin.”
Horny GoatQuote Reply
just noticed the post sez houston at chicago. dont know why. stop fucking with tiger blood or you be sucked.
Horny GoatQuote Reply
I’m on Horny Goat weed so look out for my Adonis DNA leaking into your interweb gene pool. Be very very afraid.
Ryno, nice win for UT in baseball yesterday. NU sucks at batting. Should I attend today’s or tomorrow’s game if I wanna see a no-hitter?
Horny GoatQuote Reply
Horny GoatQuote Reply
(dying laughing) what the hell is that stuff?
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21](dying laughing) what the hell is that stuff?[/quote]
you should try it MB, (dying laughing)
Horny GoatQuote Reply
to be honest, I’d never heard of that stuff before I adopted my ID and didn’t take any. I been up all night. whew, what a woman that was. Nothing to do with horny goat weed, though (dying laughing)
Horny GoatQuote Reply
If anyone needs a (dying laughing), read today’s Sherman’s Lagoon.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]
ouch! If only 1 of those fucking teams would’ve won a world series. 1945, 1969, 1984, 1989, 1998, 2003, 2008… any of them! but noooooooooo. We’re stuck. oy vey
Horny GoatQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]
Too lazy to go over to BTI, but I’m going to go out on a limb and say that Alvin Does Not Approve.
BerseliusQuote Reply
Lineup today
Barney (SS)
BerseliusQuote Reply
Glad Castro is getting a day off. He’s looked pretty bad at the plate the last couple weeks.
mb21Quote Reply
so the Fox guys don’t get to rave about Castro and rag on Soriano, and you have 2 guys in dewitt and colvin who’ve barely made it to the plate.
this is the day cubs win then. makes perfect sense in the cubs universe.
Horny GoatQuote Reply
Castro hasn’t been taking as many pitches lately has he? Seems like he swings a lot earlier in the count.
Horny GoatQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Glad Castro is getting a day off. He’s looked pretty bad at the plate the last couple weeks.[/quote]
I was just saying he looks rushed up there like he’s in a slump, not waiting for his pitch.
Horny GoatQuote Reply
has anyone else noticed that not many players if any around MLB are on the DL with hamstring or quad injuries? are they doing much more legwork this year?
Horny GoatQuote Reply
I think part of it just regression and part of it that his plate discipline is horrible compared to what wasn’t even good last year. He’s basically turned himself into Josh Vitters without any power. I was thinking about writing something on Castro, but I really don’t have anything positive to say about it. I guess cutting the strikeout rate down is one, but it wasn’t a problem in the first place. His overall numbers are decent (a little better than league average) so there’s that, but considering the start he got off to you have to look at what he’s done so far as disappointing.
This comes from someone who actually expected his overall numbers would be slightly worse than last year because I didn’t expect he’d continue to get as lucky on balls in play.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Horny Goat]Castro hasn’t been taking as many pitches lately has he? Seems like he swings a lot earlier in the count.[/quote]
Castto has been a free swinger all year. I think he’s just making less contact now
BerseliusQuote Reply
Castro has to start elevating the ball. He doesn’t have the speed of a Juan Pierre or Ichiro so pounding the ball into the ground as often as he does is a waste.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Castro has to start elevating the ball. He doesn’t have the speed of a Juan Pierre or Ichiro so pounding the ball into the ground as often as he does is a waste.[/quote]
A reverse Willie Hayes Mays approach should help then.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
elevating the ball? I agree with that because he’d hit more HRs, but I also agree with berselius, he’s just not making good contact right now and I think the reason is pitchers are mixing things up because he was hitting .400 so he’s been confused. When they throw a first pitch slider to a 21-year-old what does he expect after that?
Horny GoatQuote Reply
boo. I’m getting Twins-BoSox, no Cubs game.
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]A reverse Willie Hayes Mays approach should help then.[/quote]
he should try the Willie Mays Aikens approach (dying laughing)
maybe not. remember the old Royals player?
Horny GoatQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]boo. I’m getting Twins-BoSox, no Cubs game.[/quote]
weird. that’s what you get for living in mexico (dying laughing)
Horny GoatQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]
Not funny. These are human beings we’re talking about.
melissaQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I didn’t expect he’d continue to get as lucky on balls in play.[/quote]
I’ve always had a beef with babip because when you hit line drives it’s not all luck. The defense has much less time to react and field the ball. The formula isn’t perfect when a player pounds the ball like he did.
Horny GoatQuote Reply
[quote name=Horny Goat]elevating the ball? I agree with that because he’d hit more HRs, but I also agree with berselius, he’s just not making good contact right now and I think the reason is pitchers are mixing things up because he was hitting .400 so he’s been confused. When they throw a first pitch slider to a 21-year-old what does he expect after that?[/quote]
Every single thing he hits is on the ground, HG. Well over half the balls he puts in play is on the ground. That’s what has been Marlon Byrd’s problem this year. Castro is never going to hit for much power, but he has to elevate the ball and hit into the gaps if he wants to contribute anything more than singles.
mb21Quote Reply
Castro’s K% was 7% and in April and it’s just a bit over 9% in May. The problem has been that his BABIP has regressed as we knew it would and there’s just not a lot of value in hitting groundballs. If he had the same K% as April, he’d have struckout one less time (not quite that).
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]boo. I’m getting Twins-BoSox, no Cubs game.[/quote]Same here, which is why I’m not bothering to post a game thread.
mb21Quote Reply
what’s his line drive rate? the first month it seemed pretty high, but I don’t know. I would love to see him elevate the ball because he has the power to hit 20+ HRs a year.
Horny GoatQuote Reply
pretty sure I’ll be getting the cubs game here. We always do.
Horny GoatQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Same here, which is why I’m not bothering to post a game thread.[/quote]Game threads are only for Berselius and MB21?
Perhaps 424 or AC will grace us with a new thread.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Castro’s K% was 7% and in April and it’s just a bit over 9% in May. The problem has been that his BABIP has regressed as we knew it would and there’s just not a lot of value in hitting groundballs. If he had the same K% as April, he’d have struckout one less time (not quite that).[/quote]
he’s also hitting a lot of pop-ups in May. not making good contact at all. I make a point in watching all his PAs.
Horny GoatQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban Kid]Game threads are only for Berselius and MB21?
Perhaps 424 or AC will grace us with a new thread.[/quote]
“If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.”
-Jack Benny
Horny GoatQuote Reply
[quote name=Horny Goat]I’ve always had a beef with babip because when you hit line drives it’s not all luck. The defense has much less time to react and field the ball. The formula isn’t perfect when a player pounds the ball like he did.[/quote]True. Batting average on line drives is about .750. The thing is that there’s very little skill in hitting line drives.
Albert Pujols career LD% (since 2002): 19.1
A-Rod: 17.7%
Ichiro: 20.2%
Chase Utley 21.1%
Ryan Braun: 17.9%
League average is around 19.5% and over a large enough sample there’s very little difference.
There have been only 34 qualified hitters since 2002 (combined years) who have a LD% over 21%. Only 5 below 17%. Among all hitters who have qualified for at least one batting title in that span, over their careers since 2002 the spread is 15.2% (Hunter Pence) to 24.9% (Todd Helton).
This doesn’t take into consideration the scorer error that is more prevalent in some parks than others because of where the scorer is located. I’m guessing if you used Gameday data the range since 2006 would be about 16% to 23%.
There’s some skill, but it’s not like home runs where some batters have a true talent HR of about 40 or 45 per season while others have below 5.
Starlin Castro career: 20% LD rate.
If a person has a high BABIP while also having a high LD% early in the season we can’t call it luck as I have not done, but we do know the LD% is going to go down and as a result, so will the BABIP. His .346 BABIP last year wasn’t sustainable. The reason was because only 3 people since 2002 have a BABIP higher than what Castro posted last year.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Suburban Kid]Game threads are only for Berselius and MB21?
Perhaps 424 or AC will grace us with a new thread.[/quote]
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]boo. I’m getting Twins-BoSox, no Cubs game.[/quote]
ugh. still, it could be worse. at least we’re not getting the rays.
GWQuote Reply