Cubs | wOBA | wRC | Def | Dodgers | wOBA | wRC | Def | |
Starlin Castro | .330 | .53 | -.03 | Aaron Miles | .272 | .30 | -.05 | |
Darwin Barney | .297 | .39 | .03 | Jay Gibbons | .304 | .41 | -.12 | |
Marlon Byrd | .334 | .51 | -.01 | Andre Ethier | .374 | .66 | -.01 | |
Aramis Ramirez | .347 | .54 | -.03 | Matt Kemp | .356 | .57 | -.02 | |
Jeff Baker | .324 | .45 | -.01 | Juan Uribe | .322 | .44 | .01 | |
Geovany Soto | .353 | .53 | -.01 | James Loney | .315 | .41 | .00 | |
Alfonso Soriano | .347 | .50 | -.10 | Dioner Navarro | .307 | .37 | -.01 | |
Carlos Pena | .365 | .54 | -.01 | Russ Mitchell | .295 | .32 | .00 | |
Carlos Zambrano | .175 | .00 | .00 | Ted Lilly | .175 | .00 | .00 | |
4.0 | -.2 | 3.5 | -.2 |
Starting Pitcher | IP/GS | FIP |
Carlos Zambrano | 5.83 | 3.84 |
Ted Lilly | 6.29 | 3.69 |
Bullpens | xFIP | |
Cubs | 4.12 | |
Dodgers | 4.13 |
Score: Cubs 4.3, Dodgers 3.8
Win Probability: 50.8%
An American businessman is on a business trip to Japan. The company hosting him took him on a golf outing. At the pro shop, the head pro asked the businessman if he would like to use one of the club’s new automated caddies. The businessman asked what that meant, and the pro explained that the caddy is basically a robot that would carry his clubs, measure distances, and analyze and suggest corrections to his swing. The businessman accepted and ended up shooting the round of his life thanks to the help from the caddy.
A year later, the businessman returned on the same trip and was taken back to the same golf course. He asked the pro if he could have one of the automated caddies.
“Unfortunately, we had to get rid of the automated caddies.” he said.
The businessman replied, “Really? Are you kidding? I played the round of my life thanks to those things? Why did you get rid of them?”
“Well, the 18th fairway plays along the tennis courts, and we were getting too many complaints from the tennis players about the glare of the sun off the metal on the robots.”
The businessman asked, “Well, was there nothing you could do about it? Couldn’t you have painted them all black?”
“Well, we tried that, but then they started showing up late, and stealing stuff…”
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
I agree with Ryno at the end of the last thread. Based on the rules that allow the student who raped the girl back into school and onto one of the teams, I’m OK with how it was decided. I’d have let her not participate in that particular sport rather than kicking her off the team, but she chose not to participate when the cheer called for her to do so.
that being said, if I was in charge of handing out punishment for what the boy did he’d not have seen the light of day the rest of his life. I doubt many people would support that kind of punishment, but I see no way to redeem yourself after doing what he did. He’s done as far as I’m concerned. Piece of shit for life that shouldn’t be breathing the same air I am.
But as long as you’re going to allow him back to school and allow him to play sports, I’m OK with the decision the school made. The problem was that he was allowed back at school rather than spending the rest of his life in a prison getting raped by some dude he can’t fight off.
mb21Quote Reply
I think the payment of $45,000 is what pushes me over the edge. I’ll admit to it being purely emotional but still, that is something so morally depraved that I can’t even fathom it.
MishQuote Reply
I agree, mb. It’s hard to argue without knowing all the facts, but that’s my view regarding the facts we know.
That family should sue whatever attorney took that case to court, unless the attorney advised them not to.
No one was forcing the girl to be a cheerleader. It sucks that she was put in that position, but it’s not like she couldn’t have gone to her coach and said she couldn’t bring herself to cheer for her attacker.
It’s also bullshit to make this a Texas thing. It’s not a political issue, and I’d bet that the majority of courts in the country would rule similarly. It’s not about sports-crazed towns, it’s about logic and interpretation of the law.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=Mish]I think the payment of $45,000 is what pushes me over the edge. I’ll admit to it being purely emotional but still, that is something so morally depraved that I can’t even fathom it.[/quote]
If you remove emotion, the district asked to be reimbursed for the losses it incurred from the case. They were sued. They won. They demanded restitution.
I disagree with the end result, but the entire case was a slippery slope.
I wouldn’t let the kid out of jail. But if you do, how can you prevent him from playing basketball?
If you let him play basketball, how can you allow the cheerleaders to refuse to cheer for him?
So you remove the cheerleader who protests the initial action. It’s not fair based on the act committed, but it’s fair based on the effect of the initial action.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
Yeah, it’s not about Texas at all. It’s the law. If Texas has ruled inappropriately the Supreme Court would have heard it. They would have ruled the same way.
I also think the $45,000 payment is bullshit, but based on the information we know I don’t have a problem with what has happened to her. I have a serious problem with what has happened to him, but until people start seeing things my way rapists are going to spending their weekends doing the same shit you and I do.
mb21Quote Reply
Good point about repayment, Ryno. Hadn’t thought about that.
mb21Quote Reply
In more ways than one, I hate the U.S. justice system, which is, unfortunately, probably one of the better ones in the world.
MishQuote Reply
I couldn’t agree more. If you rape someone you’ve done something that it is irredeemable. D-O-N-E. Should never take a free breath the rest of his life.
Simple solution to this problem.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Good point about repayment, Ryno. Hadn’t thought about that.[/quote]
And it might not be the case, but that was my assumption.
The point where the cheerleader’s family fucked up was when they decided to go to the court with this. I’m sure an attorney would love to take the case based on the circumstances, but no rational attorney should have touched it based on the facts.
The cheerleader’s family had no chance in court. However, they win every time in the media. Go to every local newspaper and tv station (especially tv) and tell them what happened. They LOVE their crusades. The media might not be able to put a kid in jail, but I guarantee there are people who watch the news that would torment the shit out of the basketball player…ESPECIALLY in Texas.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
That story is bullshit. Since when does joining a cheerleading squad give up your freedom of speech? I don’t get that at all.
I don’t understand why the rape charges were dropped. If that girl and her family felt that strongly about it, why did they drop the more serious charge for the lesser charge?
MuckerQuote Reply
Yep. This was definitely one of those cases you try in the media. Can’t win in a court because the facts won’t allow it. The school would have become embarrassed if it was played out in the media. Now they have the courts on their side so while I’m sure there’s a lot of backlash, they can point to multiple courts who agreed with them.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I couldn’t agree more. If you rape someone you’ve done something that it is irredeemable. D-O-N-E. Should never take a free breath the rest of his life.
Simple solution to this problem.[/quote]
I’m surprised it happened, to be honest. There had to have been something else going on. People don’t get two years probabtion for sexual assault. Could have been a lack of evidence or something.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=Muck Muckintuck]That story is bullshit. Since when does joining a cheerleading squad give up your freedom of speech? I don’t get that at all.[/quote]
It doesn’t. The girl didn’t have to do the cheers she was told, but the cheer coach didn’t have to allower her to remain on the team. That’s the point.
[quote name=Muck Muckintuck]I don’t understand why the rape charges were dropped. If that girl and her family felt that strongly about it, why did they drop the more serious charge for the lesser charge?[/quote]
This is what I don’t get. There’s more to this case than we know.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=Muck Muckintuck]That story is bullshit. Since when does joining a cheerleading squad give up your freedom of speech? I don’t get that at all.
I don’t understand why the rape charges were dropped. If that girl and her family felt that strongly about it, why did they drop the more serious charge for the lesser charge?[/quote]The prosecutor would have made that decision.
If your employer asks you to do certain things that includes talking to clients, you have to do it even if you don’t believe in it. If you don’t, you get fired. You don’t lose your freedom of speech. You’re still free to express that, but not while you’re working.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]I’m surprised it happened, to be honest. There had to have been something else going on. People don’t get two years probabtion for sexual assault. Could have been a lack of evidence or something.[/quote]They may have had enough evidence, but not wanted to try the case so they got him to agree to the probation. We don’t know. Either way, the school acted within their right based on what we know.
mb21Quote Reply
You tend to more important things for as little as 7 hours and you’re already several threads and new memes behind.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
I’m going see how long I can stand listening to Vin Scully.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
How can you not like listening to Scully? Faget.
mb21Quote Reply
He’s not as good as he was recently in Brooklyn, but he’s still good.
mb21Quote Reply
I understand that. But this is what I don’t understand : Their lawsuit argued that HS’s right to exercise free expression had been violated when she was instructed to applaud her attacker. But two separate courts ruled against her, deciding that a cheerleader freely agrees to act as a “mouthpiece” for a institution and therefore surrenders her constitutional right to free speech. I read that as her not being able to say she can’t sue for freedom of expression because she gave up her rights to freedom of speech.
MuckerQuote Reply
I like Scully. But he won’t shut up. And he’s got that cadence to his voice that never changes.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Article from November 2009 about this:
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]The prosecutor would have made that decision.
If your employer asks you to do certain things that includes talking to clients, you have to do it even if you don’t believe in it. If you don’t, you get fired. You don’t lose your freedom of speech. You’re still free to express that, but not while you’re working.[/quote]Yeah sure, I agree with that. That whole situation is just fucked.
MuckerQuote Reply
[quote name=Muck Muckintuck]I understand that. But this is what I don’t understand : Their lawsuit argued that HS’s right to exercise free expression had been violated when she was instructed to applaud her attacker. But two separate courts ruled against her, deciding that a cheerleader freely agrees to act as a “mouthpiece” for a institution and therefore surrenders her constitutional right to free speech. I read that as her not being able to say she can’t sue for freedom of expression because she gave up her rights to freedom of speech.[/quote]
I think what they’re saying is that if you agree to be a cheerleader that you have agreed to cheer for the team, school and players on the team. You’ve given up the freedom to choose which of the players you want to cheer for. What’s to stop Sally from deciding to stop cheering for Johnny because he asked Nancy to the prom? She doesn’t have that right. If she wants to cheer she has to follow the rules that they have for cheerleaders.
mb21Quote Reply
What mb21 said.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
He’s already repeated himself and the game hasn’t even started.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Dodgers throwback unis are effeminate.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Sounds like the case was based on hearsay and there wasn’t enough evidence to convict.
I’m not speculating on what actually happened, but it makes what happened over the last several months seem much more plausible.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]Article from November 2009 about this: one grand jury wouldn’t indict while another would. Interesting. Just keep trying until you get the indictment.
mb21Quote Reply
So basically the Cubs current road unis are the same as they were 60 years ago except they don’t have the red line under Chicago.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]So one grand jury wouldn’t indict while another would. Interesting. Just keep trying until you get the indictment.[/quote]
That’s the worst thing about all this. No one knows what actually happened except for the parties in the room at the time. There are dozens of possibilities and proof of none.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
What happened with the other defendant?
mb21Quote Reply
Thanks for the clarification MB. I just don’t understand how rape charges can get dropped. If 2 guys raped a young girl, 15-18, I would imagine that there would be some type of evidence on that girl to suggest such a rape occured. If the evidence was there, there’s no way they drop charges. Sounds like her word vs. theirs. That’s a shame to have to deal with that at such a young age.
MuckerQuote Reply
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=Muck Muckintuck]Thanks for the clarification MB. I just don’t understand how rape charges can get dropped. If 2 guys raped a young girl, 15-18, I would imagine that there would be some type of evidence on that girl to suggest such a rape occured. If the evidence was there, there’s no way they drop charges. Sounds like her word vs. theirs. That’s a shame to have to deal with that at such a young age.[/quote]Was she willing to testify? I haven’t read anything about that. It’s difficult to get a conviction if she’s not willing to testify. I don’t know what happened, but obviously it was a difficult case. One grand jury didn’t indict while another did. I’m guessing there wasn’t much evidence.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]So basically the Cubs current road unis are the same as they were 60 years ago except they don’t have the red line under Chicago.[/quote]Hats were better back then.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
True, SK.
mb21Quote Reply
Interesting factoid from Vin there about Z vs Lilly and holding on runners.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]What happened with the other defendant?[/quote]
He’s not mentioned in the later stories.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
5 balks to 29 for Lilly. I didn’t know Lilly balked that much.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]He’s not mentioned in the later stories.[/quote]I did a google news search and can’t find anything. Also, the victim claimed it was 3 men yet there was never a 3rd arrest from what I can tell.
mb21Quote Reply
Guys stealing against Z are safe 50 out 99 times
Guys stealing against Lilly are safe 153 out of 188 times.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
(dying laughing) This sucks for the girl (unless she’s full of shit), but Laurence Watts is a fucking idiot if he believes that. And he’s already an idiot for pursuing that case.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Was she willing to testify? I haven’t read anything about that. It’s difficult to get a conviction if she’s not willing to testify. I don’t know what happened, but obviously it was a difficult case. One grand jury didn’t indict while another did. I’m guessing there wasn’t much evidence.[/quote]Yeah I don’t know. I can’t possibly imagine that girl going through a rape and having to testify about it. Most be a hard position to be in reliving it. But if she didn’t testify, they could still convict with evidence from a rape test, couldn’t they?
MuckerQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I did a google news search and can’t find anything. Also, the victim claimed it was 3 men yet there was never a 3rd arrest from what I can tell.[/quote]
One story says she claimed a fourth.
She might be full of shit, in which case she’s an evil bitch.
She might be telling the truth, in which case she and her family are likely the most frustrated people on the planet.
The truth is probably something in between.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=Muck Muckintuck]Yeah I don’t know. I can’t possibly imagine that girl going through a rape and having to testify about it. Most be a hard position to be in reliving it.[/quote]
My guess is the type of person who can’t go through with testifying against her rapist isn’t the type of person that openly protests the person when he’s playing for the team she’s cheering for.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
There were 2 suspects and she and her family are mildly frustrated?
mb21Quote Reply
Yeah, so, like, if you’re in National Honor Society and they tell you that you have to rape and lynch a black dude, you have to do it because of this ruling.
/sarcastic impression of Laurence Watts
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]My guess is the type of person who can’t go through with testifying against her rapist isn’t the type of person that openly protests the person when he’s playing for the team she’s cheering for.[/quote]Yeah, hadn’t thought about that, but if she willing to take a stand like that you’d she was willing to testify. Weird case. Who knows?
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]There were 2 suspects, she’s evil sometimes and really nice others and she and her family are mildly frustrated?[/quote]
That’s my guess.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]One story says she claimed a fourth.
She might be full of shit, in which case she’s an evil bitch.
She might be telling the truth, in which case she and her family are likely the most frustrated people on the planet.
The truth is probably something in between.[/quote]Agreed.
MuckerQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Weird case.[/quote]
Exactly. And this is what pisses me off about the media (and Internet). It’s a very complicated case, but you don’t hear all of it. Just the side that makes you want to watch/read. It fuels ignorance.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=Muck Muckintuck]I understand that. But this is what I don’t understand : Their lawsuit argued that HS’s right to exercise free expression had been violated when she was instructed to applaud her attacker. But two separate courts ruled against her, deciding that a cheerleader freely agrees to act as a “mouthpiece” for a institution and therefore surrenders her constitutional right to free speech. I read that as her not being able to say she can’t sue for freedom of expression because she gave up her rights to freedom of speech.[/quote]That’s the key, that her surrender of free speech was a decision she came to freely. She agreed to speak for the school and not herself, and then she chose to go back on that. I am a little surprised, though, that there wasn’t some way to show that the request for her to cheer for her rapist exceeded a certain threshold of reasonability. The thing that bothers me is that she shouldn’t have to limit her participation in an activity like this because of what was done to her. I’m also uncomfortable with the government essentially ruling in favor of itself against a citizen’s right to speak in opposition to it.
AndCountingQuote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]Exactly. And this is what pisses me off about the media (and Internet). It’s a very complicated case, but you don’t hear all of it. Just the side that makes you want to watch/read. It fuels ignorance.[/quote]My stance on it is pretty simple. If he did it, he should never spend another day of his life free. However, the case is still stupid. The high school was stupid for kicking her off the squad entirely too. Her parents were stupid for suing rather than going through the media. The attorney was dumber than everyone else combined.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=AndCounting]I’m also uncomfortable with the government essentially ruling in favor of itself against a citizen’s right to speak in opposition to it.[/quote]
See also: Rises in the East, Sun.
MishQuote Reply
The school could have easily handled it a little better by telling her “Look, we know this can’t be easy for you but we can’t have you standing there not cheering while everyone else is. If this is too difficult for you, then you need to quit the team.” Done. Deal. Sealed.
MuckerQuote Reply
I don’t necessarily disagree, but how do you protect the rights of the other students? He’s back at school and eligible to be on the team. He has every right to take part. She has every right to be a cheerleader. She also has ever right to not cheer for him, but being a cheerleader requires you cheer for all of them.
Can’t we just agree that cheerleading is the dumbest thing ever?
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]My stance on it is pretty simple. If he did it, he should never spend another day of his life free. However, the case is still stupid. The high school was stupid for kicking her off the squad entirely too. Her parents were stupid for suing rather than going through the media. The attorney was dumber than everyone else combined.[/quote]
I’ve dealt with several school districts during my time in the media, and the bold part confuses the shit out of me. There is NO WAY they would have kicked her off the team for simply protesting silently. They might have told her to go home, but my guess is that there’s much more to this. Like she or her family made a big deal about it.
Blaming the school or Texas is stupid. Yeah, the kid shouldn’t have been playing basketball if he were guilty, but the court said he wasn’t. The school can’t bar him from anything if the court said he was not guilty.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=Muck Muckintuck]The school could have easily handled it a little better by telling her “Look, we know this can’t be easy for you but we can’t have you standing there not cheering while everyone else is. If this is too difficult for you, then you need to quit the team.” Done. Deal. Sealed.[/quote]They may have done that. We don’t know how they informed her. I highly doubt some dude went up to her and said, “Look chick, you either gots to cheer or get the fuck out.”
It was most likely as you suggested above.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Muck Muckintuck]The school could have easily handled it a little better by telling her “Look, we know this can’t be easy for you but we can’t have you standing there not cheering while everyone else is. If this is too difficult for you, then you need to quit the team.” Done. Deal. Sealed.[/quote]
Maybe they did. That wouldn’t be as good a story, though.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
So has Ramirez completely lost all ability to hit for power? I know it’s early but shit. He’s tied with Pena in HRs. (dying laughing)
MuckerQuote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]I’ve dealt with several school districts during my time in the media, and the bold part confuses the shit out of me. There is NO WAY they would have kicked her off the team for simply protesting silently. They might have told her to go home, but my guess is that there’s much more to this. Like she or her family made a big deal about it.
Blaming the school or Texas is stupid. Yeah, the kid shouldn’t have been playing basketball if he were guilty, but the court said he wasn’t. The school can’t bar him from anything if the court said he was not guilty.[/quote]
You’re probably right. Who is blaming Texas anyway? All I’ve read is what you’ve posted. I haven’t bothered to look around for opinion pieces. I’m sure people are as it’s popular to blame Texas for everything.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]They may have done that. We don’t know how they informed her. I highly doubt some dude went up to her and said, “Look chick, you either gots to cheer or get the fuck out.”
It was most likely as you suggested above.[/quote]

Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
If it wasn’t for Texas, slavery would never exist. Or Hitler.
MishQuote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]
[/quote]Someone needs to put Paul Sullivan’s face on this woman.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]You’re probably right. Who is blaming Texas anyway? All I’ve read is what you’ve posted. I haven’t bothered to look around for opinion pieces. I’m sure people are as it’s popular to blame Texas for everything.[/quote]
The first comment on the original link implied. Or maybe I inferred. Either way, it’s not a regional issue. It’s a legal one.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=Mish]If it wasn’t for Texas, slavery would never exist. Or Hitler.[/quote]Stalin too.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Mish]If it wasn’t for Texas, slavery would never exist. Or Hitler.[/quote]
Without slavery, this country wouldn’t be a power.
Without Hitler, there’d be no WWII. Without WWII, this country wouldn’t be a superpower.
Therefore, without Texas, the USA would be crawling with AIDS and everyone would be starving.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I don’t necessarily disagree, but how do you protect the rights of the other students? He’s back at school and eligible to be on the team. He has every right to take part. She has every right to be a cheerleader. She also has ever right to not cheer for him, but being a cheerleader requires you cheer for all of them.[/quote]I say let it happen. She doesn’t cheer for him. He’s allowed to play. She’s allowed to stay silent when he shoots free throws. People ask why. They’re informed it’s because he sexually assaulted her. I’m really failing to see the downside in that arrangement.
Especially now that it’s been defined as the willful surrender of freedom of speech for the sake of becoming a mouthpiece of a school district that likes to watch your rapist play sports.
AndCountingQuote Reply
Has anyone with a 29-game hitting streak ever been used late in a game as a pinch hitter?
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]
[/quote]How do editors not look at that and think maybe that title isn’t the best title for that story?
MuckerQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Someone needs to put Paul Sullivan’s face on this woman.[/quote]
That image cracks me up too much to alter it. Such a reduction.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]Without slavery, this country wouldn’t be a power.
Without Hitler, there’d be no WWII. Without WWII, this country wouldn’t be a superpower.
Therefore, without Texas, the USA would be crawling with AIDS and everyone would be starving.[/quote]
So, Africa.
MishQuote Reply
The problem with allowing her to choose to cheer or not to is that you’d end up with cheerleaders doing whatever the hell they want. They’d cheer for this guy because he’s cute. They’d cheer for this guy because he has a nice ass. They’d not cheer for this guy because he’s a bad kisser. And so on.
For what it’s worth, AC, didn’t we already define cheerleading as being a mouthpiece? That’s precisely what they’re doing. Even when the team sucks they’re the ones out there acting like they’re playing in the biggest game they’ve ever played in.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]Without slavery, this country wouldn’t be a power.
Without Hitler, there’d be no WWII. Without WWII, this country wouldn’t be a superpower.
Therefore, without Texas, the USA would be crawling with AIDS and everyone would be starving.[/quote]This thinking is so barbaric yet so logical.
MuckerQuote Reply
[quote name=AndCounting]Especially now that it’s been defined as the willful surrender of freedom of speech for the sake of becoming a mouthpiece of a school district that likes to watch your rapist play sports.[/quote]
Alleged, AC.
[quote name=AndCounting]I say let it happen. She doesn’t cheer for him. He’s allowed to play. She’s allowed to stay silent when he shoots free throws. People ask why. They’re informed it’s because he sexually assaulted her. I’m really failing to see the downside in that arrangement.
I hope you’re kidding. That would be grounds for a major lawsuit. It’s not the school’s place to weigh in on this. If he raped her, it’s on the court to decide that. The court said he didn’t, so the school MUST play it that way.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=Mish]So, Africa.[/quote]
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
soriano is a fucking idiot sometimes
dylanjQuote Reply
[quote name=Muck Muckintuck]This thinking is so barbaric yet so logical.[/quote]
(dying laughing) Such is the world we live in.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
An average cheerleader is Alvin Yellon and he surrendered his freedom of speech rights long ago so he could become buddies with people in the Cubs organization.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=dylanj]OT: soriano is a fucking idiot sometimes[/quote]
Fixed. Come on, dj.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]I’ve dealt with several school districts during my time in the media, and the bold part confuses the shit out of me. There is NO WAY they would have kicked her off the team for simply protesting silently. They might have told her to go home, but my guess is that there’s much more to this. Like she or her family made a big deal about it.[/quote]There’s no question the situation had been brewing. It’s not like this was the only basketball game of the season or the only time that dude ever shot a free throw. This is what would make a legal case extremely difficult. Did she cheer for him before that and only after some time decide to protest? The fact that they let it come to this just shows that a lot of people involved in sports, cheerleading, justice, education, and parenting are criminally stupid.
AndCountingQuote Reply
I think this is the most I’ve commented on this site in years. All it took was a sexual assault.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=AndCounting]There’s no question the situation had been brewing. It’s not like this was the only basketball game of the season or the only time that dude ever shot a free throw. This is what would make a legal case extremely difficult. Did she cheer for him before that and only after some time decide to protest? The fact that they let it come to this just shows that a lot of people involved in sports, cheerleading, justice, education, and parenting are criminally stupid.[/quote]
Well put.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=AndCounting]There’s no question the situation had been brewing. It’s not like this was the only basketball game of the season or the only time that dude ever shot a free throw. This is what would make a legal case extremely difficult. Did she cheer for him before that and only after some time decide to protest? The fact that they let it come to this just shows that a lot of people involved in sports, cheerleading, justice, education, and parenting are criminally stupid.[/quote]
I said I wouldn’t speculate, but I’m going to anyway.
I think the girl’s full of shit. One grand jury wouldn’t indict and the others (if I can read between the lines) found insufficient evidence to convict.
Then the girl wilfully continues to cheer sporting events she KNOWS her alleged attacker will be attending?
There’s something fishy about that whole thing.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
Has Z ever gone a whole game without walking anyone?
MuckerQuote Reply
Forgot to add my point.
The only people who ended up looking stupid in this is (unfortunately) the girl who claimed sexual assault and their attorney.
The school, according to reports, did EXACTLY what they should have done.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]Alleged, AC.[/quote]I must be missing something. I mean, yeah, he didn’t confess to rape. So everywhere I said rapist, I guess I should have said assailant. But he plead guilty to the assault. Be it rape or just a misdemeanor, it had been established as fact. Right?
AndCountingQuote Reply
I don’t know if she’s full of shit. Something happened because the kid did agree to a lesser charge. We just don’t have any idea what actually happened.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]I said I wouldn’t speculate, but I’m going to anyway.
I think the girl’s full of shit. One grand jury wouldn’t indict and the others (if I can read between the lines) found insufficient evidence to convict.
Then the girl wilfully continues to cheer sporting events she KNOWS her alleged attacker will be attending?
There’s something fishy about that whole thing.[/quote]Thank you. I’ve been wanting to say that but didn’t want people thinking I was an inconsiderate prick.
MuckerQuote Reply
[quote name=AndCounting]I must be missing something. I mean, yeah, he didn’t confess to rape. So everywhere I said rapist, I guess I should have said assailant. But he plead guilty to the assault. Be it rape or just a misdemeanor, it had been established as fact. Right?[/quote]
He pled guilty to misdemeanor assault, not rape. I guess that was nit-picky, but they obviously carry different consequences.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=AndCounting]I must be missing something. I mean, yeah, he didn’t confess to rape. So everywhere I said rapist, I guess I should have said assailant. But he plead guilty to the assault. Be it rape or just a misdemeanor, it had been established as fact. Right?[/quote]I don’t know what’s been established. She claimed rape. Some reports said 2. Others said 3 men. Some said 4. One jury wouldn’t indict. Another would. None of the others have been convicted or even tried. I’m sure the grand jury wouldn’t indict or they would have, but I can’t find that information.
I don’t know. I think what Ryno said earlier is right: the only people that know are the children involved in all of this.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Muck Muckintuck]Thank you. I’ve been wanting to say that but didn’t want people thinking I was an inconsiderate prick.[/quote]
Let me do the heavy lifting in that department.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
I’ll say this: She’s either full of shit or the ballsiest high school chick I’ve ever heard of.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]Forgot to add my point.
The only people who ended up looking stupid in this is (unfortunately) the girl who claimed sexual assault and their attorney.
The school, according to reports, did EXACTLY what they should have done.[/quote]I think where the school acted stupidly is in what led up to the conflict. Someone at some point should have said, “You know, it doesn’t make sense for you to be cheering for the guy you accused of rape.” That’s what gets me. I know it probably comes off as inhibiting her rights to do as she pleases, but that’s just a foolish decision all around to let that play out.
AndCountingQuote Reply
The fourth male was a suspect and then became a witness.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]Let me do the heavy lifting in that department.[/quote](dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
(dying laughing)
MuckerQuote Reply
Are the Cubs playing? (dying laughing)
AndCountingQuote Reply
[quote name=AndCounting]I think where the school acted stupidly is in what led up to the conflict. Someone at some point should have said, “You know, it doesn’t make sense for you to be cheering for the guy you accused of rape.” That’s what gets me. I know it probably comes off as inhibiting her rights to do as she pleases, but that’s just a foolish decision all around to let that play out.[/quote]I agree with this. She shouldn’t have been kicked off, but instead told not to participate in the cheers for that sport. Easy enough.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=AndCounting]Are the Cubs playing? (dying laughing)[/quote]The 1944 Cubs and 1944 Dodgers are playing. It’s 0-0 in the 4th inning.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=AndCounting]I think where the school acted stupidly is in what led up to the conflict. Someone at some point should have said, “You know, it doesn’t make sense for you to be cheering for the guy you accused of rape.” That’s what gets me. I know it probably comes off as inhibiting her rights to do as she pleases, but that’s just a foolish decision all around to let that play out.[/quote]
I’m sure the whole situation mortified the school in general. They probably tried to ignore it as much as possible.
I think the closest they came to acting stupid is not commenting on why she’s not on the team anymore. In the court of opinion (which means a lot to school districts), they look like jerks to many because of the way the story is spun.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I agree with this. She shouldn’t have been kicked off, but instead told not to participate in the cheers for that sport. Easy enough.[/quote]
If she quietly folder her arms during the game, walked off the floor when she was told to leave and calmly told the school she would not cheer for her attacker individually, then I totally agree.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
2 grand juries refused to indict the two suspects, but a third indicted each of them. Roundtree’s case is pending.
To make matters worse for the school, the girl was being bullied in the cafeteria and the school told her to avoid the cafeteria. What the fuck?
mb21Quote Reply
There’s also the racial component here. The one who settled (the one we’ve been talking about) is black while the other one is white.
I don’t know. I’m done looking for info. I’m never going to know what happened. It sucks for the girl.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]To make matters worse for the school, the girl was being bullied in the cafeteria and the school told her to avoid the cafeteria. What the fuck?[/quote]
I know the family shouldn’t have to move because people are idiots. But at some point, wouldn’t you want to move your daughter out of such an environment?
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]I know the family shouldn’t have to move because people are idiots. But at some point, wouldn’t you want to move your daughter out of such an environment?[/quote]It’s messed up. I don’t think the family that sues the school is the type of family that moves away when it gets tough.
AndCountingQuote Reply
MishQuote Reply
and inning worth of TOOTBLANS
dylanjQuote Reply
How many TOOTBLANs is that now?
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=AndCounting]It’s messed up. I don’t think the family that sues the school is the type of family that moves away when it gets tough.[/quote]
Well, suing the school for the reason they did is pretty fucking stupid.
But it’s not about being tough when your kid is being bullied.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Is this see how many outs you can make on the bases day?
mb21Quote Reply
Justice Department is going after the BCS
dylanjQuote Reply
AndCountingQuote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]Well, suing the school for the reason they did is pretty fucking stupid.
But it’s not about being tough when your kid is being bullied.[/quote]I imagine the attorney gave them horrible advice as he thought he could make a name for himself with this case.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=dylanj]Justice Department is going after the BCS[/quote]Now that bin Laden’s out of the way, this is job 1.
AndCountingQuote Reply
What, nobody else saw/heard Soto’s dinger?
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Oh, I missed AC’s comment amidst all the on topic stuff in this game thread.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=dylanj]Justice Department is going after the BCS[/quote]
As long as they bump the Fiesta Bowl for the Cotton Bowl, I’m good.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
The Dodgers suck and Ethier is on the bench, but Z if looking great nonetheless.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
an NCAA playoff would be the biggest sporting event in the US. It would be epic.
dylanjQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I imagine the attorney gave them horrible advice as he thought he could make a name for himself with this case.[/quote]
God forbid anyone thinks for themselves. But yeah, Laurence Watts is a moron.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
How about this?
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]How about this?
im just sad you read andrew breitbart
dylanjQuote Reply
[quote name=dylanj]Justice Department is going after the BCS[/quote]
God I fucking hate the government.
MishQuote Reply
[quote name=dylanj]im just sad you read andrew breitbart[/quote]
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
Hello? Cubs fans? Anyone? It’s fucking Big Z vs Ted Lilly in throwback uniforms, and nobody gives a fuck?
Suburban kidQuote Reply
for the love of Christ SK- if you want to talk about the cubs put up OT
you’ve been warned
dylanjQuote Reply
Here’s the other place Texas being a partial culprit was mentioned:
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban Kid]Hello? Cubs fans? Anyone? It’s fucking Big Z vs Ted Lilly in throwback uniforms, and nobody gives a fuck?[/quote]
MishQuote Reply
OT: I’m happy with the way the game is going.
WaLi2Quote Reply
[quote name=Mish]God I fucking hate the government.[/quote]They’re useless. My dog would do a better job governing this nation and I’m dead fucking serious.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Suburban Kid]Hello? Cubs fans? Anyone? It’s fucking Big Z vs Ted Lilly in throwback uniforms, and nobody gives a fuck?[/quote]Sexual abuse, Breitbart, convincing people to kill themselves >>>>>>>>>> Cubs/Dodgers.
(dying laughing)
mb21Quote Reply
I’m watching the game and enjoying the Cubs taking advantage of Lilly’s tendency to give up the longball.
mb21Quote Reply
byrd call
dylanjQuote Reply
[quote name=dylanj]for the love of Christ SK- if you want to talk about the cubs put up OT
you’ve been warned[/quote]Maybe I’ll set up an alternative game thread for the True Cub Fans.
OT: Byrdman!!!
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=Jame Gumb]How about this?'m OK with the conviction, but I don’t think anybody can be talked into suicide.
mb21Quote Reply
GWQuote Reply
[quote name=GW]
mb21Quote Reply
A full inning of outs on the bases. (dying laughing)
mb21Quote Reply
Of course, the Cubs are actually giving a fuck today and we aren’t. No wonder this blog sucks. (dying laughing)
MishQuote Reply
SOme of his statnuggets are cool, but Scully obviously has a dedicated feed to Ari Kaplan’s server.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
actually thats TOOTBLAN # 4
dylanjQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban Kid]SOme of his statnuggets are cool, but Scully obviously has a dedicated feed to Ari Kaplan’s server.
OT: TOOTBLAN[/quote]They’re the same stats that you hear on most broadcasts. I don’t mind. Scully is 175 years old. He was an old man when we learned how meaningless some of those stats are.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=dylanj]actually thats TOOTBLAN # 4[/quote]I can’t count higher than 3, DJ. Leave me alone.
mb21Quote Reply
Dude, what’s going on? A homer parade in Dodger Stadium, and the Cubs are leading it? Craziness.
AndCountingQuote Reply
[quote name=AndCounting]Dude, what’s going on? A homer parade in Dodger Stadium, and the Cubs are leading it? Craziness.[/quote]If you told me the Cubs were going to hit all these home runs I’d have assumed that Soriano hit a few home runs.
mb21Quote Reply
Too lazy to read every word in this comment thread, but I want the record to show that I wrote this in the series preview
[quote name=berselius]I’m sure they’ll hit three off [Lilly] in Chavez Ravine just because (dying laughing)[/quote]
BerseliusQuote Reply
Nice call, b.
mb21Quote Reply
and now we will find a way to fuck this up
dylanjQuote Reply
(dying laughing) @ Z and Gwynn
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=GW]
Pretty much.
Dr. Aneus TaintQuote Reply
[quote name=AndCounting]There’s no question the situation had been brewing. It’s not like this was the only basketball game of the season or the only time that dude ever shot a free throw. This is what would make a legal case extremely difficult. Did she cheer for him before that and only after some time decide to protest? The fact that they let it come to this just shows that a lot of people involved in sports, cheerleading, justice, education, and parenting are criminally stupid.[/quote]
I had to go teach a class and stuff before I could weigh in on this, but luckily AC made the point I was going to make anyway. Multiply everything by the fact that high school is a vile cesspool of angst and emotion and people taking themselves too seriously (I’m referring to the HS administration here).
BerseliusQuote Reply
Well, let me step back a little. The student has every right to be pissed about cheering for her rapist, but suing over being kicked off the fucking cheerleading squad is retarded.
BerseliusQuote Reply
Agreed. I think we all agree on that. It’s a stupid lawsuit. She has every right to not want to cheer for the person who attacked her. The question is whether or not we can leave it up to each individual student whether they want to cheer for this one or that one.
I’d like to know exactly what happened between her and the school. I highly doubt it was as cold-hearted as it’s been made to sound. I’d be shocked if it was.
mb21Quote Reply
One of my high school friends is a teacher at a small HS in Louisiana and had the displeasure of being the cheer coach for a year there. It was a never ending river of shit from the students, administration, and parents and was in tears nearly once a week from the sheer pettiness of everyone involved. People take that shit way too seriously.
BerseliusQuote Reply
It’s a status symbol being on the cheerleading team. The students love it and the parents go way the fuck overboard on that shit too.
mb21Quote Reply
I heard a segment years ago on NPR where someone had done a study on how people perceive time. They found that by the time you graduate high school you’ve already lived half your life in terms of perceived time. That certainly feels true given how fucking quickly weeks/months seem to go by now (dying laughing)
BerseliusQuote Reply
That’s not surprising. Time seems to go so slow when you’re a kid. It goes faster the older you get. I remember by the time I was in 11th and 12th grade time was going by much faster than it was when I was in grade school, junior high or even the two years prior. I don’t know why it is that way, but it definitely is.
mb21Quote Reply
I remember when I was 25 or 26 thinking time couldn’t possibly go faster. Now I’m 36 and it goes even faster. I cannot believe how quickly a month goes by.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I remember when I was 25 or 26 thinking time couldn’t possibly go faster. Now I’m 36 and it goes even faster. I cannot believe how quickly a month goes by.[/quote]
Neither can the various unfinished papers sitting on my hard drive (dying laughing)
BerseliusQuote Reply
Z going for the complete game?
mb21Quote Reply
106 pitches. Anyone think Quade will let Z try to complete it?
PerkinsQuote Reply
[quote name=Perkins]106 pitches. Anyone think Quade will let Z try to complete it?[/quote]
I definitely think he stays in
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]I remember when I was 25 or 26 thinking time couldn’t possibly go faster. Now I’m 36 and it goes even faster. I cannot believe how quickly a month goes by.[/quote]It just keeps getting faster.
Except for baseball games. They still take forfuckingever.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban Kid]It just keeps getting faster.
Except for baseball games. They still take forfuckingever.[/quote]
They’re just taking more time to compensate (dying laughing)
BerseliusQuote Reply
(dying laughing)@ Gameday classification of eephus.
PerkinsQuote Reply
When you are young, your only worry is school. You spend the rest of your time playing, goofing off, masturbating, etc. When you get older, you have work, family, housework, masturbating etc. More and more of your time is consumed.
MuckerQuote Reply
Zambrano —–> Dinner at a reasonably-priced restaurant with no more then one non-Latin teamate. Dessert but they have to share it.
ZappBranniganQuote Reply
[quote name=Muck Muckintuck]When you are young, your only worry is school. You spend the rest of your time playing, goofing off, masturbating, etc. When you get older, you have work, family, housework, etc. More and more of your time is consumed.[/quote]True, but that’s only part of it. The changing percpetion of time based on how much you have experienced so far seems to be a real phenomenon.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Bah. I was hoping for the complete game. Then maybe Sullivan would stop the disingenuous shit about who’d gone the longest this season.
PerkinsQuote Reply
I tuned into the radio in the 7th and Pat said Z was throwing hard today. Did anyone notice if radar had him throwing consistently harder than previous starts?
melissaQuote Reply
Scully amazed at Z’s awesome winning percentage.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=Perkins]Bah. I was hoping for the complete game. Then maybe Sullivan would stop the disingenuous shit about who’d gone the longest this season.[/quote]
You seem to be under the mistaken impression that he allows facts to get in the way of his narratives.
melissaQuote Reply
[quote name=melissa]I tuned into the radio in the 7th and Pat said Z was throwing hard today. Did anyone notice if radar had him throwing consistently harder than previous starts?[/quote]It was 90-91 whenever I looked, but that wasn’t too often.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Z now has a career winning percentage of .615 (.800 this year and .647 last year).
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=melissa]You seem to be under the mistaken impression that he allows facts to get in the way of his narratives.[/quote]
Yeah, that sounds about right. Z could solve world hunger and Sullivan would say he should have done it sooner. Or should have focused on pitching.
PerkinsQuote Reply
The great Ted Lilly’s career winning percentage is .537.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Only 3 more series wins and the Cubs are back to .500 (dying laughing)
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban Kid]The great Ted Lilly’s career winning percentage is .537.[/quote]
Standing ovation.
ZappBranniganQuote Reply
Make that 2 more series won. Standings chart hadn’t been updated yet.
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]Only 3 more series wins and the Cubs are back to .500 (dying laughing)[/quote]
In all seriousness, if one were to tell me that Wells and Cashner were gone for basically the first month and the Cubs were, however many games out of first they are, I…wouldn’t have cared. But then I’d think about it and be surprised…at how bad the Central is.
8volumesthickQuote Reply
[quote name=Berselius]Only 3 more series wins and the Cubs are back to .500 (dying laughing)[/quote]
(dying laughing)
That’s about the worst possible thing that could happen to this team. While I love seeing them win, I hate know that if they’re hanging around .500 in a crappy division come July that Ricketts, who makes me sick he’s so eager to please, and Jim “Got to save my job” Hendry will make this team buyers instead of sellers.
ZappBranniganQuote Reply
The Reds series this weekend looks winnable.
BerseliusQuote Reply
[quote name=Muck Muckintuck]That story is bullshit. Since when does joining a cheerleading squad give up your freedom of speech? I don’t get that at all.
I don’t understand why the rape charges were dropped. If that girl and her family felt that strongly about it, why did they drop the more serious charge for the lesser charge?[/quote]
The same way Tim Tebow gives up his freedom of speech when he suits up for the Florida Gators and wants to wear John 3:16 eye black (I know they changed the rule after he graduated). If you are using the school to gain a platform for your speech, the school should have the right to regulate that speech.
The Supreme Court was wise to deny cert in this case. Bad facts make for bad law. It sucks that this girl is out 45 g’s, but the law is the law. Ruling for the girl in this case would be the most just result in terms of the specific facts of this case, but unfortunately it would be bad precedent that would prevent schools from restricting all sorts of speech.
Hector VillanuevaQuote Reply
[quote name=8volumesthick]In all seriousness, if one were to tell me that Wells and Cashner were gone for basically the first month and the Cubs were, however many games out of first they are, I…wouldn’t have cared. But then I’d think about it and be surprised…at how bad the Central is.[/quote]
Agreed. This team is all sorts of surprising, with Dempster and Garza pretty awful and the bullpen somehow a strong point.
ZappBranniganQuote Reply
I am predicting right now that Al will write some bullshit about Z was great today, if only he could do this all the time.
Why the handwringing over Z every time he has a good start and every time he has a bad start?
Is there any other pitcher in MLB whose entire career and future is judged and re-evaluated after every fucking start?
Suburban kidQuote Reply
[quote name=ZappBrannigan]Agreed. This team is all sorts of surprising, with Dempster and Garza, the defense, baserunning et al. pretty awful and the bullpen somehow a strong point.[/quote]
8volumesthickQuote Reply
I’m still amazed they ran into a full half-inning out outs on the basepaths and somehow managed to win.
ZappBranniganQuote Reply
[quote name=ZappBrannigan]I’m still amazed they ran into a full half-inning out outs on the basepaths and somehow managed to win.[/quote]Dodgers suck ass and Ted Lilly has the worst run suppport of any SP.
Suburban kidQuote Reply
Nice to see the W flag up again.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban Kid]Dodgers suck ass and Ted Lilly has the worst run suppport of any SP.[/quote]
The 2011 Cubs: TOOTBLANing their way to victory. It’s a way of life.
ZappBranniganQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]Nice to see the W flag up again.[/quote]
I kind of like the toaster in the bathtub pic regardless of the day’s outcome.
melissaQuote Reply
[quote name=melissa]I kind of like the toaster in the bathtub pic regardless of the day’s outcome.[/quote]
It seems appropriate, doesn’t it?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Rice Cube]It seems appropriate, doesn’t it?[/quote]
Cubs and the toaster bath are like bread and butter.
melissaQuote Reply
I am not sure whether this was expected or not. Ted Lilly gives up home runs, but Pena sucks versus lefties…something had to give, right?
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Suburban Kid]I am predicting right now that Al will write some bullshit about Z was great today, if only he could do this all the time.
Why the handwringing over Z every time he has a good start and every time he has a bad start?
Is there any other pitcher in MLB whose entire career and future is judged and re-evaluated after every fucking start?[/quote]Is there any other player for another team that is in a similar situation? A-Rod is with the Yankees fans for the most part. That’s the only other player I can think of.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]Is there any other player for another team that is in a similar situation? A-Rod is with the Yankees fans for the most part. That’s the only other player I can think of.[/quote]
J.D. Drew. Probably Daisuke too
BerseliusQuote Reply
With Drew there’s been a lot of overall disappointment and his injuries do not do him any favors. The same could be said for Zambrano since 2008 though.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]
I’d like to know exactly what happened between her and the school. I highly doubt it was as cold-hearted as it’s been made to sound. I’d be shocked if it was.[/quote]
I hate to bring up a seemingly dead topic but I wouldn’t be the least surprised if the school was extremely cold-hearted toward the young woman. It’s very common for the accuser to be frozen out and their well-being to be over-looked by a school in favor of an athlete or male student. It happens on college campuses all the time. Pierre Pierce’s accuser was forced to leave IA because of administration insensitivity and that is just one example.
The problem I see here is that someone that’s been assaulted by a fellow student should not have to even attend school with their attacker. She should have been able to get a restraining order to prevent him from even coming back to school. I would also say that it should be school policy that if you have assaulted a fellow student you’re not even allowed back on the campus let alone an athletic team. I see how her lawsuit was flawed but it never should have gotten to that point. There should be rules in place protecting victims of criminal assault. We all know athletes get special treatment and that starts in grade school and high school. I’m not the least bit surprised the school took no measure to protect the victim.
melissaQuote Reply
No way. He is innocent until proven guilty. Do you have any idea how many false reports of sexual abuse would be filed if heartbroken teenagers knew they keep the other from attending their school? It would be a mess. You can’t keep him from attending school when he hasn’t even been convicted of a crime. You can’t protect the victims at the expense of the rights of the accused.
I’m perfectly OK with a school having some rule prohibiting students from extracurricular activities if they have pending charged (any pending charges). That seems reasonable enough.
I also think the fact there isn’t even a story written about the trial of the white defendant is quite interesting. A black guy raping a white woman in front of a jury anywhere in this nation is far more likely to result in a conviction than if it was a white man. It’s no shock that the black man took the plea bargain.
I don’t know what to think. I just know based on their rules at the time that they didn’t have a choice but to allow him to play. I encourage them and every other school in the nation to come up with rules that prevent athletes (male and female) from taking part in sports if any criminal charge is pending. I also encourage them to include any activities in which the school is represented.
mb21Quote Reply
It’s my understanding that he did plead guilty to criminal assault. Also even if charges are pending the accused should not be allowed to have contact with the victim. That’s pretty standard.
melissaQuote Reply
I’ve said it before and it’s worth saying again. The only reason athletes are treated differently than you and I is because you and I treat them differently. As frustrating as it is, it’s our fault. We’re the ones who watch these sports and help funnel money to them at a ridiculous rate. We’re the ones that make them feel special by talking about them so much.
We should ask schools to stop treating them differently, but they won’t. That’s because every person treats them differently. As far as that goes, WE are the problem. It’s our fault. We have options and instead of trying to put a stop to it, we sit in front of the TV and watch Cubs games or Bulls games or Bears games. We watch college football and college basketball. We buy merchandise, talk about these players as if they’re curing cancer and so on.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=melissa]It’s my understanding that he did plead guilty to criminal assault. Also even if charges are pending the accused should not be allowed to have contact with the victim. That’s pretty standard.[/quote]He plead guilty after two grand juries failed to indict him and his friend. A third grand jury indicted him. He was graduated by the time he plead out. I think she was too.
I’m guessing the contact stipulations in these situations are a little tricky. If a male student is charged with sexually assaulting a female student, you can’t keep him from attending school. They’re naturally going to run into one another during the course of their days somehow. I think she did have a restraining order against him and he never violated it.
3 grand juries takes time. The third one didn’t indict until he was nearly done with school. There’s also rumors of evidence not being turned over to the final grand jury. Interestingly, the white suspect has had literally nothing written about him and the case is likely to be dropped because there’s no evidence. The black kid got railroaded. He may in fact be guilty of everything but if so, his white accomplice will not be convicted.
There’s a reason the NAACP protested the indictment.
mb21Quote Reply
I’m not talking about who is to blame for special treatment just noting that I’ve heard story after story of athletes assaulting female students and the school looking the other way. It’s also not just a student/athlete issue. Rape is the most under-reported crime period. I recently saw a story about an 11 year old that was repeatedly gang raped in a town and a lot of people blamed the girl in the paper for dressing older than her age. People said the boys were “good” boys and the girl basically was to blame.
I went back and read that when the cheer incident happened the rape charges were pending. He later pled guilty to assault. Here’s the problem, the school has to protect the alleged victim. Even if the case is pending the alleged attacker should not be allowed on school grounds. There are special schools and arrangements that can be made for students that are accused of crimes. You can’t jeopardize the safety of the majority of the students. I know of a case here in IL where 3 boys were accused of sexually assaulting a fellow male student and they were immediately removed from the school when charges were filed. It was standard, you don’t have to wait until a trial happens. If the accused is found innocent of course they can return to school. I’m surprised in this incident that once charges were filed that an immediate restraining order wasn’t placed on the accused barring him from being near the victim, that’s unusual here in IL. Obviously, procedures could be very different in TX.
melissaQuote Reply
If there had been an order of protection or restraining order in place then the accused could not have played basketball in the same gym as the cheerleader. He wouldn’t most likely have been able to be in the school either because it’s normally within 500 ft.
melissaQuote Reply
I think Chris Rusin is good.
GWQuote Reply
I think that’s just horrible.
You can’t be found innocent. A person is “not guilty” because he was presumed innocent. You seem to be implying he was guilty because he was arrested and the court would have proved him innocent.
mb21Quote Reply
I simply wrote innocent instead of “not guilty.” Wasn’t trying to imply he was guilty because of the arrest.
melissaQuote Reply
Yeah, athletes are pieces of shit. We’ve talked about it before. What I’m saying is that the reason they get away with it is because of people like you an I. We don’t want to admit it, but it’s true. If nobody paid attention to sports these guys wouldn’t be getting away with this stuff.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=melissa]I simply wrote innocent instead of “not guilty.” Wasn’t trying to imply he was guilty because of the arrest.[/quote]Fair enough. It’s just one of those things that bothers me about our judicial system. People do think that you’re being found innocent.
mb21Quote Reply
Melissa, that case in Illinois didn’t remove the students until after charges were filed. This kid had graduated when the jury indicted. So the two schools had the same exact policy.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=mb21]If nobody paid attention to sports these guys wouldn’t be getting away with this stuff.[/quote]
I’m sorry but men of privilege in our society get away with crimes because they get the best defense attorneys. Rich men rarely go to jail, be they athletes entertainers or CEOs. I don’t think it’s so simple as to say, we watch sports so it’s our fault. You also have to take into account that we live in a sexist society where rape is not punished as it should be even when it’s done by men who aren’t wealthy. Fan adulation of bad men does help those men avoid accountability for bad acts that is undoubtedly true and I agree in that regard.
melissaQuote Reply
Broxton is shut down with elbow stiffness and Mattingly complains they have a problem finding a MRI large enough for him. That’s weird. Are there no people in LA 300lbs or larger? Wait, that could be possible. There is also some kind of standing MRI device that doesn’t require you to go into a tube. I would think they would have state of the art medical equiptment in LA that wouldn’t require the Zoo’s MRI to be used. Strange and slightly awkward for Broxton.
melissaQuote Reply
How many of these athletes are going to become rich men? That’s my point. I can’t do anything about CEO Joe getting special treatment. Electing new officials would help as they’re usually getting away with more than anyone is. I can do something about an athlete getting special treatment. But I don’t.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=melissa]Broxton is shut down with elbow stiffness and Mattingly complains they have a problem finding a MRI large enough for him. That’s weird. Are there no people in LA 300lbs or larger? Wait, that could be possible. There is also some kind of standing MRI device that doesn’t require you to go into a tube. I would think they would have state of the art medical equiptment in LA that wouldn’t require the Zoo’s MRI to be used. Strange and slightly awkward for Broxton.[/quote]
That’s really weird. There are partial MRI machines, which I’d think they would use for Broxton’s elbow. After I tore my ACL, I had an MRI in a machine that just scanned my knee while I sat in a chair. And I’m in the Army. I would hope a professional baseball team would have access to that technology as well.
PerkinsQuote Reply
[quote name=Perkins]That’s really weird. There are partial MRI machines, which I’d think they would use for Broxton’s elbow. After I tore my ACL, I had an MRI in a machine that just scanned my knee while I sat in a chair. And I’m in the Army. I would hope a professional baseball team would have access to that technology as well.[/quote]
I wondered about that too. I know they do breast MRIs too so not sure why he couldn’t just get his elbow scanned. It could just be that Mattingly is jumping to conclusions but it seems strange for him to say that Broxton is too fat to get an MRI on his elbow.
melissaQuote Reply
[quote name=melissa]I wondered about that too. I know they do breast MRIs too so not sure why he couldn’t just get his elbow scanned. It could just be that Mattingly is jumping to conclusions but it seems strange for him to say that Broxton is too fat to get an MRI on his elbow.[/quote]
Maybe he’s trying to send him a message to lay off the beer and chips.
PerkinsQuote Reply
[quote name=Perkins]Maybe he’s trying to send him a message to lay off the beer and chips.[/quote]
Mattingly is going to come up with a whole routine of “Our closer is so fat..” jokes. Ozzie would.
melissaQuote Reply
[quote name=melissa]Mattingly is going to come up with a whole routine of “Our closer is so fat..” jokes. Ozzie would.[/quote]Jonathan Broxton’s blood type is gravy.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]Jonathan Broxton’s blood type is gravy.[/quote]
The backpack with snacks that the Dodgers rookies have to take out to the pen has a side of beef in it.
melissaQuote Reply
Junior Lake with a sweet 26/0 K:BB ratio so far this year
ABQuote Reply
[quote name=melissa]The backpack with snacks that the Dodgers rookies have to take out to the pen has a side of beef in it.[/quote]When Mattingly calls down the bullpen and tells Broxton to warm up, he has to clarify that he doesn’t mean last night’s chili.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=AB]Junior Lake with a sweet 26/0 K:BB ratio so far this year[/quote]Swing Away. It’s a Way of Life.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=melissa]Mattingly is going to come up with a whole routine of “Our closer is so fat..” jokes. Ozzie would.[/quote]
What really caused the tsunami in Japan?
Jonathan Broxton went for a jog.
PerkinsQuote Reply
Greinke had a bit of rust tonight.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
I’m just amazed at how big Zambrano has become. Both he and Broxton are the same height. Broxton is listed at 300 and that’s about accurate. Z is listed at 270, but he’s obviously heavier than that. Zambrano hasn’t always been that fat, has he?
mb21Quote Reply
I think Broxton is fat. Zambrano for whatever reason doesn’t look fat, he’s just really really big-bodied. That probably doesn’t make sense.
Rice CubeQuote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]When Mattingly calls down the bullpen and tells Broxton to warm up, he has to clarify that he doesn’t mean last night’s chili.[/quote](dying laughing)
BerseliusQuote Reply
Zambrano was listed as 255 for several years. I remember for a couple of years, Muskat and others made a point of saying how slim he looked in Spring Training.
PerkinsQuote Reply
[quote name=mb21]
I’m just amazed at how big Zambrano has become. Both he and Broxton are the same height. Broxton is listed at 300 and that’s about accurate. Z is listed at 270, but he’s obviously heavier than that. Zambrano hasn’t always been that fat, has he?[/quote]
He ‘s always been pretty hefty, but he’s 300x the athlete Broxton is. Z is a big guy; Broxton is a fatbody.
Mercurial OutfielderQuote Reply
[quote name=Perkins]Zambrano was listed as 255 for several years. I remember for a couple of years, Muskat and others made a point of saying how slim he looked in Spring Training.[/quote]That’s kind of like players being in the best shape of their lives in spring training. Zambrano is overweight by a lot these days. I’m not sure if he’s quite as big as Broxton yet, but he’s pretty close.
mb21Quote Reply
[quote name=Mercurial Outfielder]He ‘s always been pretty hefty, but he’s 300x the athlete Broxton is. Z is a big guy; Broxton is a fatbody.[/quote]Z is definitely a much better athlete, but I think Z is pretty fat these days. Nothing wrong with that. He’s not the first pitcher to get a little fat when he’s no longer in his prime. Maddux carried a nice belly in the later years of his career.
mb21Quote Reply
There are times when he’s on the mound where you can see it’s just a huge roll of fat. A few years ago it was mostly muscle, but these days there’s some muscle and it’s primarily fat.
mb21Quote Reply
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mb21Quote Reply