Can’t-Lose Thursday: Random Points of Hopefulness

In News And Rumors by andcounting141 Comments

The Cubs can’t lose today. Nary a single Cubbie appendix has ruptured. Starlin Castro hasn’t been put in timeout yet. Alfonso Soriano leads the league in homers. Wrigley Field hasn’t had chunks of itself fly off in several months. Albert Pujols‘ free agent value has tumbled to $299 million. No new Nicolas Cage movies are being released this weekend. It’s …

Mapping out the Rotation

In News And Rumors by berselius33 Comments

Shawn pointed out in the comments that given the number of off-days, the Cubs can limit the 5th starter somewhat. But given that they’re spaced 7 days apart there will still be a few starts. Here’s how it maps out 4/6 Ryan Dempster OFF DAY 4/8 Carlos Zambrano 4/9 Matt Garza 4/10 Casey Coleman 4/11 Demp 4/12 5TH STARTER 4/13 …

Entire team lands on DL

In News And Rumors by dmick8943 Comments

Andrew Cashner left yesterday’s game with tightness in his shoulder and had an MRI after the game. The results revealed a tear in his rotatar cuff. It’s what they are calling a mild strain, which is the same thing as a mild tear. Randy Wells also landed on the DL becasue of pain in his forearm. Hendry has said it …

Cashner exits game with tightness in his right shoulder

In News And Rumors by dmick89108 Comments

Andrew Cashner was taken out of today’s Cubs/Diamondbacks game in the 6th inning with tightness in his pitching shoulder. He had thrown the ball as well or better than any starter so far. He’d averaged about 94.5 mph on the fastball, but on one pitch in that 6th inning you could see him lower the shoulder after the follow through. …

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5 Cubs Trends Sure to End

In News And Rumors by andcounting178 Comments

The Cubs are five games into the 2011 season, so naturally we know everything we need to know about this team. But for anyone who thinks the sample size isn’t quite large enough to draw conclusions, I just want to correct a few lies the opening weekend may have told us. For the record, I wrote this before today’s game, …

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Kevin Millar Can Die in a Fire

In News And Rumors by aisle424154 Comments

I happened to be driving in the car when Kevin Millar went on the Waddle and Silvy Show on ESPN 1000 so I heard this live and I was pissed as hell I wasn’t able to transcribe any of it because I was screaming at my radio by the end of it.  Thankfully, Paul Sullivan took the trouble of doing …

Random Thoughts

In News And Rumors by dmick8959 Comments

Three games doesn’t tell us anything, but they were three predictable games. The offense struggled, which they’re going to do all season long. That’s especially true against right-handed pitchers. The defense let the team down late in Sunday’s game. Rather than a tie, a defensive mistake allowed the Pirates to take the lead. The pitching staff was solid, which they …

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Cubs Officially Won’t Lose Them All

In News And Rumors by aisle42457 Comments

What have we learned so far in the two games the Cubs have played?  Not a ton, but there are some things about how the games have gone so far that stuck out to me. 1) Scoring runs is going to be an ordeal more often than we’d like. The Cubs have scored four earned runs in two games and …

Ten Things I Shouldn’t Have to Tell Cubs Fans (But I Do)

In News And Rumors by andcounting215 Comments

I had the pleasure of seeing the Cubs on Opening Day yesterday along with Julie and Deb of Aerys Sports and Ana from Accidentally Sexy, and a lot of cool people* willing to get soaked and chilled in order to show us a good time. But along the way I came into contact with more than a few Cubs fans who, apparently, haven’t …