The 2013 Hall of Fame class and the Keltner List

In Commentary And Analysis by dmick8984 Comments

Over a year ago I applied the Keltner List test to Sammy Sosa and figured I’d do the same thing for most of the eligible candidates just for fun. Bill James came up with the Keltner List back in 1985 and I’ll let Wiki explain. The Keltner list is a systematic but non-numerical method for determining whether a baseball player …

The Keltner List and Sammy Sosa

In Commentary And Analysis by dmick89298 Comments

I was reading the most recent article on Nate Silver's Five Thirty Eight and he brought up the Keltner List. I had meant to do this for Sammy Sosa a few years, but completely forgot. So I'll do it now. Bill James came up with that back in 1985 and I'll let Wikipedia explain it: The Keltner list is a …