Carlos Marmol Accused of Domestic Violence

In Commentary And Analysis by myles29 Comments

Bad news concerning Carlos Marmol:

More on this as it develops, but if true this could be a hairy situation. I've been debating whether or not to throw a control issues joke in here, but decided against it.

I'm not sure what the appropriate law is in this case.

Updates, as they happen!

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  1. Author

    Details are very scarce at the moment. If he’s saying it’s extortion/blackmail, I very much doubt it’s his wife. Probably a girl on the side? Does he even have a wife? I also thought he lived in Chicago during the offseason, so I’m confused all around.

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  2. uncle dave

    @ dmick89:
    Interesting. In addition to the reasons outlined by the author and in the comments on the surge in WAR by past-prime batters, I’d propose that free agency has something to do with it, perhaps because the creation of that market caused GMs (and fans) to percieve a shortage of available talent, thereby ignoring what they already had on hand. I love the smell of market failure in the morning.

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  3. Mish

    @ Suburban kid:
    Same. I usually don’t go to the home page to see the active thread; I just scroll until I see a “new shit” post. “New shitling” threw me off.

    Way to fuck it up, Myles. (dying laughing)

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  4. Author

    It was my hope that calling it a “shitling” would clue in to the fact that is was just an aside. My apologies.

    SK, “having a real fucking life” is probably what happened to Mercurial Outfielder (dying laughing)

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  5. Rice Cube

    This was a juicy dingleberry. Brett at BN has some favorable details about the Marmol situation btw. It sounds like Marmol won’t get into much trouble since there isn’t much to charge him with.

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